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Gulf Carriers Destabilise Alliances
With much function, Qatar Airways turned into the first of the enormous Sulfated c aeries to enter a worldwide carrier partnership by joinin...
Monday, August 24, 2020
Gulf Carriers Destabilise Alliances
With much function, Qatar Airways turned into the first of the enormous Sulfated c aeries to enter a worldwide carrier partnership by joining Enroll, drove by American Airlines and British Main. Ways. Join now â€Å"Becoming an individual from Enroll is one of the most noteworthy tourist spots in Qatar Airways' history,†proclaimed Kafka AH Baker, the aircraft's CEO. This move features how the fastenings, steamrollered Gulf bearers †E emirates Airlines, Edited Airways and Qatar Airways †are no longer seen with all inclusive antagonistic vibe by western airlines.First is our new fundamental every day email preparation of the best stories from over the web But Emirates and Edited are probably not going to go along with one Of the three worldwide aril en collusions †Enroll, Steam and Star Alliance †soon. These two bearers, situated in D baa and ABA Dhabi, individually, are seeking after their own organizations †activities that are destabilize Eng the part nerships and could assume a compelling job in decreasing the significance of these groups.The coalitions were built up in the 1 9905 on the grounds that remote proprietorship administers frequently denied transporters room joining through crossbred mergers. Indeed, even the greatest bearers realized they couldn't travel to every single large city, so aircrafts shaped unions that as a result catapulted their systems together to offer goals overall †strikingly to business voyagers. These partnerships should be clubs that took care of their separate advantages, however a year ago Santa †an establishing individual from Enroll - ? sent showplaces through the business by consenting to shape a passage throbbing association with Emirates.Founded in 1985 and now traveling to in excess of 130 goals with the world s biggest armada of wideband traveler planes, Emirates has caused money related agony on longhand bearers in the US, Europe and Asia †incorporate inning Santa. However , the Australian bearer is trusting the cooperation with Emirates will assume a key job in reestablishing its universal pop discourses to benefit. At the core of the organization is an icosahedra that gives Santa travelers an a lot more noteworthy selection of courses among Australia and Europe, the Middle East and Africa since they can fly on Emirates' planes.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The United Nations And Human Rights Essay Example for Free
The United Nations And Human Rights Essay The improvements that quickly went before the Second World War in field of state-relations irreversibly changed the scene of the worldwide communities.â The greatest turn of events, if not the most critical, was the foundation of the United Nations.â This transition to hypothetically join a war-attacked world was yearning and inclined to numerous entanglements.  â â â â â â â â â â Among the prompt advancements that were introduced by the formation of this supranational establishment was the Human Rights Machinery. This huge advancement cameâ â€Å"[a]fter hundreds of years of lacking, piecemeal endeavors to shield residents from maltreatment by their own administrations, in 1946 the universal network established a worldwide human rights foundation.  The United Nations Commission on Human Rights turned into the primary universal body enabled to advance all the human privileges of all the world’s people groups. The organizers expected that improved regard for human rights would support people and would likewise serve the United Nations’ essential peacekeeping lady by killing severe practices which incited war.†[1] The significance and authenticity of the regard for Human Rights and the universal advancement of it among the various countries of the world was further â€Å"highlighted in Chapter IX of the Charter managing worldwide monetary and social participation as far as a vow or duty of all Member states.†[2]  â â â â â â â â â â Like with numerous different issues in the political field, there is a wide split between the word and the demonstration. â€Å"The commitments of the UN must nor be downplayed nor overstated.â The UN has been a scholarly pioneer in the issues of monetary and social turn of events, significantly more than is frequently recognized.â simultaneously, there have regularly been exclusions and twists in its work.†[3] While the goals announced by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, through the various Conventions and writings are many, there is a vocal number of individuals that accept that the United Nations, along with the referenced Commission is all talk. In this, there is a â€Å"[s]trong tendency†¦to put fault for this unsuitable situation on the United Nations and the facts confirm that the Organization is in numerous regards unfit and incapable in changing over the hypothesis of its own words into real practice.â However, those circles who for valid justifications censure the United Nations would be all around encouraged to do some more soul-looking with respect to their own immediate or aberrant portion of complicity in achieving and keeping up structures of injustice.†[4]  â â â â â â â â â â The human rights apparatus alludes to the various organs and techniques managing human rights in the United Nations framework which incorporates: Intergovernmental organs built up based on the Charter of the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the Commission on Human Rights. The commission on the Status of Women and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice likewise address human rights issues inside their individual commands; Bodies built up by human rights settlements; Announcing, interchanges, and examining strategies built up by approach making organs and arrangement based bodies; the pieces of the United Nations Secretariat liable for human rights exercises, particularly the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Division for the Advancement of Women and the middle for International Crime Prevention have likewise human rights responsibilities.â The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Decision for the Advancement of Women receive joint work plans.[5]   â€Å"The Charter of the United Nations, regarding Human Rights overcame any barrier between human properly settled a nearby connection between human rights and other overall concerns, viz. the upkeep of harmony and the advancement of monetary and social development.â (†¦) The United Nations assumed a powerful job in firmly supporting the journey for autonomy of frontier nations and people groups was instrumental in ending provincial control and battling racial discrimination.â In no other zone did the United National announce and shield human rights standards with such a great amount of force as in the fields of decolonization and racial discrimination.†[6]  â â â â â â â â â â There is supposed to be three phases of diversely engaged exercises that catch the quintessence of the Commission’s work in the area of Human Rights: (1) Standard-Setting (2) Promotion (3) Protection.â These three phases are fundamental in investigating the work, regardless of whether in a positive or negative light, of the Commission.  â â â â â â â â â â The Standard-setting stage began the initiation of the body of the United Nations itself and kept going 10 years after (1945-1955).â The most huge yield of this stage, and maybe one of the most noteworthy in mankind's history, was the explanation of the International Bill of Rights; and for this one must offer credit to the Commission who was depended with this gigantic task.â During the principal decade, the Commission â€Å"spent a large portion of its time on the elaboration of the draft global agreements and closed its drafting work concerning those instruments in the mid-fifties.†[7]  â â â â â â â â â â â€Å"Despite reception of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, worry with and advancement of human rights as such regularly had little impact in the UN’s early work on financial and social development.â The satisfaction of numerous monetary and social rights was positively verifiable in UN concerns and activities for financial and social development, however references to rights in this work were rare.  Moreover, political and common and social rights for the most part got overlooked or disregarded in financial composition on improvement and were dealt with additional as an issue of political and ideological discussion in the U.N. Indeed, being developed conversations, the conviction became well known that dictator systems had some bit of leeway and even some support in view of their capacity to take the extreme choices requiredfor model, to raise the pace of reserve funds in poor countries.â It was contended that increasingly popularity based pioneers would think that its hard to take these hard decisions.†[8]  â â â â â â â â â â Although the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was and is viewed as an enormous accomplishment for the worldwide network, the acknowledgment was not as prepared, much like all the new thoughts that come into the field, similar to sex mainstreaming. At the point when a famous help for the thoughts encapsulated in the Declaration didn't show up on the skylines, the United Nations started an across the board limited time battle, the subsequent stage (19955-1965). â€Å"It was expected that reviews, guidance and measures in the field of training and data would over the long haul give an increasingly productive premise to upgrading the reason for human rights that the bargain making process which was embraced with the elaboration of the International Covenants.†[9]   â â â â â â â â However, this specific stage didn't get reverberating achievement either.â The premium that was started was not proportionate to the assets of time, vitality and cash consumed to attempt the limited time exercises. â€Å"[T]hey neglected to get a handle on the intrigue and the creative mind of the United Nations enrollment and of the general population at large.â Moreover, they were excessively far expelled from the primary political flows in the World Organization.â The human rights program was working in disengagement and it appeared to come up short on the political importance and so far as that is concerned the stimulus which is required for dynamic evolution.†[10]  â â â â â â â â â â Apparently, the way that â€Å"[i]t is one thing to draw up worldwide principles, it is very something else to have those gauges implemented†[11] started to agonizingly sunrise on the Commission.â It must be stated, in any case, that this unexpected absence of help was altogether because of the inadequacy of the United Nations when all is said in done and the Commission, in particular.â External variables of the present occasions must be mulled over too. In spite of the finish of the war, there was as yet common â€Å"[d]istrust and pressures among countries and people groups, outrageous variations in monetary and social conditions between and inside countries, strict and ideological enmity, diligent examples of racial separation and class mastery and various different components, including self-centeredness of individual individuals, influence the acknowledgment of human rights with the different societies.â It ought to likewise be considered that any methodology from the perspective of infringement of human rights is, with regards to between State participation, a generally tricky and fragile endeavor in light of the fact that it centers for the most part around shortcomings and failures.†[12]  â â â â â â â â â â It is irrefutable, taking a gander at the United Nations history, that the apparatus met extraordinary challenges in the human rights beliefs over the world and to viably incorporate it into existing government practices.â Due to the couple of accomplishments of the initial two phases, the phase of insurance began with a rough ride and is dependent upon much analysis, which will talked about in the later sections.  â â â â â â â â â â Despite the insecure two decades, it is certain thatâ â€Å"the Commission has added to the insufficient however all things considered steady development
Saturday, July 25, 2020
A little bit about me and my trip to La Republica Dominicana
A little bit about me and my trip to La Republica Dominicana My first personal entry, how exciting! For some background info about me: Im a rising sophomore planning to major in Mechanical Engineering and Premed (we have a really cool major that lets you combine Mech E with another area of your choice, its called 2A), I live in Next House (where the sidewalk ends), Im from Bethesda, MD (a suburb of Washington, DC), and I 3 MIT (among other things, including parentheses)! I just got back from my second visit to the beautiful town of Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. I went with my family and we stayed at a French-owned resort. After surviving my first brutal Boston winter (and since I live in Next House I spend even more time than the usual MIT student fighting the wind and trudging through the snow), I really needed a sunny vacation. I spent a lot of time reading Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson by the pool. The resort had a circus school, so I learned to go on the flying trapeze! The first time is absolutely terrifyingbut you get used to it. I learned to windsurf last year (Im in the middle of the picture, with the yellow and orange sail), Im hoping one day Ill be good enough to go on the Charles. It was a very international environment, with many French and Dominican employees as well as guests from around the world. These are some of our friends from Norway, England, and the D.R. (My parents are on the far right, Im sort of hidden in the back.) Well, now that my tan is fading I guess its time to get back to work. One month until Im back in Boston.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Merchant of Venice - Plot Structure - 1714 Words
centerbShow how the plot of ‘The Merchant of Venice is apparently fanciful but in reality exactingly structured./b/center br brThe Merchant of Venice is a fairy tale. There is no more reality in Shylocks bond and the Lord of Belmonts will than in Jack and the Beanstalk. brH. Granville-Barker, in Prefaces to Shakespeare. br brThis is one way of looking at the play, reading it or enjoying the performance. But it can be a contradiction to our actual feelings about this complex play. ‘The Merchant of Venice might appear to be a romantic tale without much logic but that would be a superficial interpretation. Portias father may have raised our concerns in taking away her freedom to choose her beloved; Shylocks bond and†¦show more content†¦But this scene can also be seen as a Christian parable that attempts to reconcile two conflicting principles: justice and mercy. And the climax is about the difference between a judgement that would be made in terms of the letter of the law and one that would be made in terms of the spirit of the law. br brThe Casket theme is also about judgement. But is it by appearance or by reasoning? It is suggested that the spontaneous feeling of love that will lead the way. br brChance also plays an important part in the play. Shylock had no way of knowing that Antonio would suffer a complete loss and default his bond and even Antonio would never have thought that he would not get even one of his ships back and not be able to pay the money. Also the way that Portia disguises herself as the doctor is also very improbable but one accepts it. The Ring story is also fanciful and today we might find it an unnecessary addition but it was needed to tie up the loose ends of the play and for the story to have a happy ending in Belmont. br brIrving Wardel in The Times wrote, it is the case with this play that while its form is that of a fairy tale its characters are open to realistic analysis. Shylock is one of the main characters of the play but this also depends on the way that his character is played. He has mostly been portrayed as a comic character but when he is the tragic protagonist he ‘usurps the center of the stage. Shylock represents the killjoy against whomShow MoreRelatedThe Three Plots of The Merchant of Venice779 Words  | 4 PagesThe Merchant of Venice is a simple story line with three distinct plot lines incorporated into each other intricately. These three plot lines are the bond plot, the casket plot, and the ring plot, each equally vital to the meaning and conclusion of the play. In this essay, I will discuss the roles of the characters in the plot, the symbols, images, and rhetorical figures central to each plot, and finally how the events of the three plots are intertwined. The first sign that the three plot linesRead MoreThe Trial Scene in The Merchant of Venice Essay1010 Words  | 5 PagesThe Trial Scene in The Merchant of Venice Written between 1596 and 1598 The Merchant of Venice is not one of the most performed plays written by William Shakespeare. The play is classed as one of the sixteen comedy plays and most productions often use modern times and dress. It was performed in front of an audience who were not very well educated but the issues being raised in the play would have been understood. A modern day audience would be less sympathetic thanRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice1532 Words  | 7 Pagescan make readers skip over what seems like a false beginning to a good story. But think about this: what if those seemingly lengthy, extra, useless words were actually important? For example, the opening 115 lines of William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice are provide minimal support to the story at first glance. In these lines, Antonio and his friends are discussing the dynamics of happiness and sadness in order to find the root of Antonio’s sad mood. This portion of the play gives backgroundRead MoreThe Merchant Of Venice And The Crucible1491 Words  | 6 Pageshuman relationships in their literary works: The Merchant of Venice and The Crucible respectively. They emphasize this thesis through examples of love, friendship, power and Christianity. Even though love and friendship are regarded as two forms of relationships where no one seeks any pragmatical purpose, in fact they covertly embody different sorts of self-interest. The triangular relationship among Antonio, Bassanio and Portia in The Merchant of Venice and the friendship between Abigail Williams andRead More1.The Merchant of Venice as a Tragicomedy. 2. The justification of Shylocks actions in The Merchant of Venice. 3.The contrast between Belmont and Venice in The Merchant of Venice2296 Words  | 10 Pagesa tragicomedy Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice is a comedy with a difference. It was written almost certainly between 1596 1598. The play is classed as one of the 16 comedy plays but it is also a problem play due to the tragic elements woven throughout the intricate plot. The play concludes with a harmonious ending but all through the plot, reoccurring themes of sadness and tragedy are included. In terms of dramatic structure, The Merchant of Venice is undoubtedly a comedy. It followsRead MoreThe Rings of Power: Symbolic Exchange in the Merchant of Venice1595 Words  | 7 PagesThe Rings of Power: Symbolic Exchange in The Merchant of Venice Rings are significant to the narrative of The Merchant of Venice for several reasons. Firstly, as symbols of love, wealth and power. Secondly, as a means through which Portia gives and then regains control of herself, her weath and power and finally, the theft and sale of Leahs turquoise ring acts as a source of sympathy towards Shylock and allows him to parallel the Christian husbands, Bassanio and Graziano. A ring is, in andRead MoreSelf Interest : The Enemy Of True Affection1086 Words  | 5 Pagesgain any benefit from each another but seemingly many humans enter into a relationship for that purpose. In both the plays, the Merchant of Venice and The Crucible has depicted the role of self-interest in human relationships. They emphasize this theme through examples of love, friendship, power. The relationship between Portia, Bassanio and Antonio in The Merchant of Venice and the friendship between Abigail Williams and all the girls in The Crucible are both based on selfish motives. Bassanio asksRead MoreSelf Interest, The Enemy Of True Affection1228 Words  | 5 Pagesjust to extract some benefit from it. In both the plays, William Shakespeare with his famous piece, the Merchant of Venice and Arthur Miller with his famous play, The Crucible have depicted the role of self-interest in human relationships. They emphasize this theme through examples of love, friendship, power The triangular relationship between Antonio, Bassanio and Portia in The Merchant of Venice and the friendship between Abigail Williams and all the girls in The Crucible are both based on selfishRead MoreSelf Interest, The Enemy Of True Affection1199 Words  | 5 Pagesrelationship just to extract some benefit from it. In both the plays, William Shakespeare with his famous piece, the Merchant of Venice and Arthur Miller with his famous play, The Crucible has depicted the role of self-interest in human relationships. They emphasize this theme from examples of love, friendship, power The relationship between Antonio, Bassanio and Portia in The Merchant of Venice and the friendship between Abigail Williams and all the girls in The Crucible are both based on selfish motivesRead MoreThe Merchant of Venice Essay841 Words  | 4 PagesIn the comedy, The Merchant of Venice, the roles and responsibilities of women is a significant social issue proposed by Shakespeare. This theme is communicated by the only three female characters in the play: Nerissa, Portia and Jessica. For example, in Act 4 during the trial between Antonio and Shylock, Portia and Nerissa disguise themselves as Balthasar and Bellario to free their friend. However, Jessica also plays a minor role in portraying the independence of Jewish women in a Christian and
Friday, May 8, 2020
Informative Essay on Hpv - 1566 Words
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing What is the Human Papillomavirus? Commonly known as HPV, it is an infection that spreads through sexual contact. There are over one hundred different types of HPV; several types cause genital warts, while other high risk strands can lead to cancer of the cervix, anus, vagina, and penis. Because HPV is often asymptomatic, many people are unaware of their infection status, and thus, their potential for transmitting the virus to a sexual partner. The significance of the Human Papillomavirus is that fifty percent of Americans who are sexually active will contract it within their lives, and at any given point there are twenty million Americans already infected with it (â€Å"By the numbers: HPV Vaccine†).†¦show more content†¦Cervical cancer has an effect on women not only in a health manner. The emotional cost from HPV is a further burden as it may include fear of cervical cancer, apprehension, and the stigma associated with a sexually transmitted infection. HPV is so com mon that drug companies long sought to develop a vaccine against it. In June 2006, Gardasil, a Human Papillomavirus vaccine made by Merck amp; Co., was licensed for use and brought to the market (â€Å"HPV Vaccine†). Gardasil, which is given into a series of three injections, targets the main types of HPV. The types targeted are HPV 6, HPV 11, HPV 16 and HPV 18, which cause ninety percent of the genital warts and are the leading causes of cervical cancer (â€Å"Cervical Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Treatments†). Brought to the attention by researchers â€Å"combined, those strains affect an estimated 3 million women in the U.S†(â€Å"HPV Vaccine†). Since HPV is so common in the United States, the makers of Gardasil are trying to get a law approved that will make the shots mandatory. In 2006, Upon Gardasil’s release, Merck amp; Co. launches an intensive lobbying effort to convince state lawmakers to make the vaccine mandatory for girls entering middle school. Approximately two dozen states consider adopting such a law in the first few months after Gardasil’s debut. â€Å"Key Events in the History of HPV†Women are not aware of the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sunshine Chapter 10 Free Essays
string(19) " to tell us about\." My jackknife seemed to be trying to burn a hole through its cotton pocket to my leg. I wrapped my hand around it. The heat was presumably illusory, which perhaps explained why the sense of being fried felt so comforting. We will write a custom essay sample on Sunshine Chapter 10 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I set off through the trees without looking behind me. They’d follow, and I had to get myself moving before I thought much about it or I wouldn’t do it at all. I didn’t bother trying to figure out where the bad spot ended. I went down to the shore of the lake and turned right. Walking on the shore, while awkward, all shingle and teetery stones and water-tossed rubbish, wasn’t so bad as walking through the trees. I was in sunlight out here, and the memories were under the trees. I hadn’t walked on the shore before. It was the right bad spot. I came to the house much too soon. I could half-convince myself I was enjoying walking by the lake. I like walking by water in the sunshine. I’d often enjoyed walking by this lake. Before. I stopped, feeling suddenly sick, and waited for the other two to catch up with me. â€Å"I’m not sure I can do this,†I said, and my voice had started to go funny again, as it had last night, when I told them you don’t hear vampires coming. â€Å"It’s daylight, and we’re with you,†said Jesse, not unsympathetically. I said abruptly, â€Å"What if we get back to the car and it won’t start? We’d never get out of these woods before dark.†â€Å"It’ll start,†said Pat. â€Å"You’re okay. Hold on. We’re going to walk up the hill toward the house real slow. You just keep breathing. I’m walking up on your left and Jesse is walking up on your right. We’ll go as slow as you want. Hey, Jesse, how’s your nephew doing with that puppy he talked your folks into buying him?†It was well done. Puppy stories got me to the stairs. By that time Pat had me by the elbow because I was gasping like a puffer demon, except they always breathe like that, but having a hand on my elbow was too much like having been frog-marched up those stairs the last time I’d been here. â€Å"No,†I said. â€Å"Thanks, but let me go. Last time, you know, I had help.†The porch steps creaked under my weight. Like last time. Unlike last time, the steps also creaked under the weight of my companions. Almost dreamily I went through the still-ajar front door and left across the huge hall toward the ballroom. It was daylight, now, so I could look up, and see where the curl of grand staircase became an upstairs corridor lined by what had once been an equally grand balustrade, but some of the posts were cracked or missing. There were still glints of gold paint in the hollows of the carving. In the dark I hadn’t known the railings were anything but smooth. I wouldn’t have cared. The ballroom was smaller than I remembered. It was still a big room, much bigger than anything but a ballroom, but in my memory it had become about the size of a small country, and in fact it was only a room. As ballrooms go it probably wasn’t even a big one. The chandelier, very shabby in daylight, still had candle stubs in it, and there was a lot of dripped wax on the floor underneath. There was my corner, and the windows on either wall that had bounded my world for two long nights and a day in between†¦ I shuddered. â€Å"Steady, Sunshine,†said Pat. I had been worrying about the shackles in the walls. I was going to have to revert to not remembering, when Pat and Jesse asked me about the second shackle, the one with the ward signs on it. There were no shackles. Just holes in the walls. I almost laughed. Thanks, Bo, I said silently. You’ve done me a favor. Pat and Jesse were examining the holes, Pat still half keeping an eye on me. The holes looked like they’d been torn – as if the shackles had been ripped out of the walls by someone in a rage. By some vampire: no human could’ve done it. But I guessed the rage part was accurate. A frustrated – possibly frightened – rage, or on orders? On orders, I thought. I doubted Bo’s gang did anything that Bo hadn’t told them to do first. But however it had happened, I didn’t have to explain a shackle with ward signs on it. They did, of course, want to know about the second set of holes. â€Å"This is where I was,†I said, pointing to the holes nearer the corner. â€Å"And this?†said Jesse, kneeling in front of the other holes. â€Å"I don’t remember,†I said automatically. There was a silence. â€Å"Can we have an agreement, maybe,†said Pat. â€Å"That you stop saying ‘I don’t remember’ and do us the kindness of telling the truth, which is that you’re not going to say what you remember.†There was a longer silence. Pat was looking at me. I met his eyes. He had held his breath till he turned blue last night. He’d already made up his mind to trust me, even knowing that I was lying about what had happened. That made me feel pretty bad until it occurred to me that there was another angle on last night’s demonstration: not only that Pat and Jesse and Theo were willing to trust me, but that they understood sometimes you had to lie. â€Å"Okay,†I said. â€Å"So,†said Jesse. â€Å"This second set of holes.†I took a deep breath. â€Å"I’m not going to tell you.†â€Å"Okay,†said Jesse. â€Å"I think these holes are from another shackle. If it had been empty while you were here, Rae, you wouldn’t mind telling us that. So, there must have been another prisoner, and it’s this other prisoner you aren’t going to tell us about. You read "Sunshine Chapter 10" in category "Essay examples"†I didn’t say anything. â€Å"Interesting,†said Jesse. Pat stared out one of the windows, frowning. â€Å"Shackles in a ballroom aren’t standard equipment, so the suckers will have put them in special. The thing is, the space cleared around this house has been done recently too. You have to assume they did that as well. Why?†I could keep silent on this one a little more easily. It seemed pretty weird if you didn’t know. And this one they couldn’t guess. I hoped. They went off to look at the rest of the house. I stayed in the ballroom. I sat on the windowsill nearest my shackle, the one on the long wall – the window I’d peed out of. The window I’d knelt in front of when I’d changed my knife to a key. The lake looked a lot like it had the day I’d been here: another blue, clear day. It was hotter today though, summer rather than spring. I leaned back against the side of the window and thought about cinnamon rolls and muffins and brownies and the cherry tarts I’d started experimenting with since Charlie had ordered an electric cherry pitter out of a catalog and gave it to me hopefully. Charlie’s idea of post-traumatic shock therapy: a new kitchen gadget. I thought about the pleasure of sitting in bright sunlight. With two humans in easy call. I might have opened my collar and let the sun shine there, but I had the gash taped up and I wasn’t going to risk Pat or Jesse seeing it. I thought about the fact that Mel, easygoing, laid-back, mind-your-own-business Mel, kept nagging me to look for a doctor who could do something about it, and found my refusal inexplicable and dumb. Jesse and Pat came back into the ballroom and hunkered down on the floor in front of me in my window. There was a silence. I didn’t like this. I wanted to leave. I wanted to get away from the lake, from what had happened here, from being reminded of what had happened here. I’d done what they’d asked, I’d found them the house. I didn’t want to talk about this stuff any more. I wanted to go back to the car and make sure it was going to start, and get us out of here before sundown. I wanted to sit in the sun somewhere other than beside the lake. â€Å"So, last night,†said Jesse. â€Å"What happened?†â€Å"I don’t – †I said. Pat looked at me and I smiled faintly. â€Å"I wasn’t going to say I don’t remember. I was going to say I don’t know. It was – it was like instinctive, except who has that kind of instinct? If it was an instinct, it was a really stupid instinct.†â€Å"Except that it worked,†Pat said dryly. â€Å"So, you didn’t think, ah ha, there’s a sucker a couple of streets over, I think I’ll go stake the bastard? Never mind that I don’t know how I know it’s there or that I’m going to stake it with a goddam table knife?†â€Å"No,†I said. â€Å"I didn’t think at all. I didn’t think from the time I – I stood up from where I was sitting at the counter to when – when Jesse had hold of me and was yelling that it was all over.†â€Å"So why did you stand up – and pick up a table knife – and take off at a speed that wouldn’t have shamed an Olympic sprinter?†â€Å"Um,†I said. â€Å"Well, I heard him. Um. And I didn’t like having him†¦on my ground. I was, um, angry. I guess.†â€Å"Heard him. Heard him what? Nobody else heard anything.†â€Å"Heard him, um, giggle.†Silence. â€Å"Was this by any chance a sucker from two months ago?†Pat said gently. â€Å"From what happened here?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"Can you tell us any more?†He’s the one that made this mark on me, I thought. This slice in my flesh that won’t close. You could say I had a score to settle. That doesn’t explain why I managed to settle it though. â€Å"He was – he was the other one that had hold of me, coming here. I don’t know how many of them there were altogether – a dozen maybe.†I thought of the second evening, the twelve of them fanning out around me and the prisoner of the other shackle, coming closer. Slowly coming closer. How I’d been pressing myself against the wall so hard my spine hurt. â€Å"Most of them didn’t say anything. The one I think was the Breather – he seemed to be giving the orders. I thought of him as – as the lieutenant of the raiding party. He talked. And he held one of my arms, bringing me here. This – the one from last night, he held my other arm. He talked. He was the one with the†¦sense of humor.†Her feet are already bleeding. If you like feet. â€Å"The lieutenant of the raiding party,†said Jesse thoughtfully. â€Å"That sounds like there was a colonel back at headquarters.†â€Å"You’d expect that, a setup as elaborate as this one,†said Pat. â€Å"This is a gang run by a master vampire.†They both looked at me. â€Å"Do you know anything about the master?†said Jesse. I could have said, I’m not going to tell you. I said, â€Å"No.†There was another silence. I tried not to squirm. This should be when the SOFs revert to type and start yelling at me for withholding important information and so on. â€Å"We have a problem, you see, Sunshine,†said Pat at last. â€Å"Okay, we know you’re not telling us everything. But†¦well, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but that happens oftener than you might think, people not telling SOF everything. Hell, SOF not telling SOF everything. I mean aside from the nomad blood of guys like Jesse and me. We could probably live with that if that was all it was. We wouldn’t like it, maybe, but we’ve had a lot of practice not being told everything, and if you get too pissed off at people then they really won’t talk to you. â€Å"But you’ve done something pretty well unprecedented. Twice. You got away from a bunch of vampires – alone, and out in the middle of nowhere. It happens occasionally that a sucker gang gets a little carried away, teasing some kid from a human gang that has been jiving in the wrong place, hoping to see vampires. The kid gets a little cut up, but we take him to the hospital and they stitch him up and give him his shots, and he goes home good as new if a little more prone to nightmares than he used to be. It doesn’t happen that a young woman alone in a wilderness gets away from a sucker gang so determined to keep her they have her chained to the wall. So far as I know it hasn’t ever happened before.†I wished he would stop saying â€Å"alone.†He hadn’t forgotten the second set of holes in the wall any more than I had. Thank the gods at least the telltale shackle itself was gone. â€Å"And that’s only the first thing. The second thing is that you sauntered up to a sucker last night that in the first place you had no way of knowing was there, in the second place he stood there while you staked him without any warning or any backup, and in the third place staked him with a stainless steel table knife. People have staked suckers without backup, but they’ve never done it by running up to one in full sight and they sure as suckers hate daylight don’t do it with a goddam table knife. I pulled the research on it that proves it can’t be done, last night. Stainless steel is a no-hoper even if you’ve had the best wardcrafters and charm cutters in the business do their number on it first. â€Å"I told you I don’t need much sleep. I spent the rest of last night going through the files for anything about sucker escapees and unusual stakings. There isn’t much. And nothing at all like you, Sunshine. â€Å"We ought to put all this in our report, and pass it on up the line, and then you’d get a horde of SOF experts down on you like nothing you’ve ever imagined, and, speaking of shackles, you’d probably spend the rest of your life chained to the goddess of pain’s desk. She’d love you. â€Å"But we don’t want to. Because we need you. We need you in the field. Dear frigging gods and angels, do we ever need you in the field. We need anything we can get because, frankly, we’re losing. You didn’t know that, did you? At the moment we still got the news nailed shut. But it isn’t going to stay nailed shut. Another hundred years, tops, and the suckers are going to be running our show. The Wars were just a distraction. We think we won. Well, maybe we did, but we skegged our future doing it. It blows, but it’s the way it is. So little grubby guys like me and Jesse feel we need you in the field a hell of a lot more than we need you disappeared into some study program while they try to figure out how you’ve done what you’ve done and how they could make a lot of other people do it too. Which they wouldn’t be able to because it’s gonna turn out not to work that way. And we guess you don’t want to be disappear ed either?†I shook my head on a suddenly stiff neck. â€Å"Yeah. So, anyway, if you can off suckers with common household utensils, we want you out there doing it. We’ll even lie to the goddess of pain about you to keep you to ourselves, and babe, that takes balls.†Would they still want me out there doing what I could do if they knew what else I could do? If they knew the truth about the second shackle? Were the vampires really going to win within the next hundred years? When we got back to the car it started the first time. There wasn’t much conversation. We were most of the way back to town when Pat said, â€Å"Hey, Sunshine, talk to us. What are you thinking?†â€Å"I’m trying not to think. I’m – †I stopped. I didn’t know if I could say it aloud, even to make my point. â€Å"I’m trying not to think about those stains on the walls in the alley, last night.†There was a pause. â€Å"I’m sorry,†said Jesse. â€Å"We do have some idea what we’re asking you. Don’t let Pat’s pleasure in his own rhetoric get to you.†â€Å"Hey,†said Pat. â€Å"I haven’t been your age in a long time,†Jesse went on, â€Å"and I grew up wanting to join SOF. I knew it was going to be bad, what I was going to be doing, if I stayed a field agent, which I wanted to be. And it is bad, a lot of it, a lot of the time. You get used to it because you have to. And SOF doesn’t throw you in like you’ve been thrown in. Last night was rough even for a grizzled old vet like me. â€Å"Rae, we aren’t asking you to make a decision to save the world tomorrow. But please think about what Pat said. Think about the fact that we really, really need you. And think, for what it’s worth, that we’ll back you up to the last gasp, if you want us there. If last-gasp stuff turns out to be necessary.†â€Å"And just by the way, kiddo,†said Pat in his mildest voice, â€Å"I’m not accusing you of anything, okay? But it must be fifty miles from here back to where you live with that weird siddhartha type. I ain’t saying it’s not possible, Sunshine, but that’s a hell of a hike for anyone, let alone someone who’s spent two days chained to a wall expecting to die. I’m thinking your last gasp is pretty worth having.†I stared out the window, thinking about the second shackle. I got through dessert shift that night on autopilot. Nobody asked me how my afternoon had gone and I didn’t volunteer anything. The atmosphere of Repressed Anxiety was thick enough to cut chunks out of and fry, however. I wondered what you’d have on the side with a plate of Deep Fried Anxiety. Pickles? Cole slaw? Potato-strychnine mash? Things were so fraught that Kenny came into the bakery long enough to say â€Å"Hey big sis†and give me a hug. He hadn’t called me Big Sis since the time he was eight and I was eighteen and I’d caught him spying on my then-boyfriend Raoul and me and he went around the house yelling Big Sissy Kissy Kissy and I sent Raoul home and went into my brothers’ room and destroyed the backup discs to every one of their combox games that I could find. Which was a lot. You might think this was overreacting (Mom, Charlie, and Billy did), but I was lucky he’d only caught us kissing, and I wanted to be sure I’d been discouraging enough about this sort of fraternal behavior. Anyway neither Kenny nor Billy spoke to me at all for about six months, by which time I’d graduated, the Big Sis era was over, and shortly after that I’d moved into my own apartment. Mary took her break in the bakery again, and told me the latest Mr. Cagney story, but her heart wasn’t in it. â€Å"I’m okay,†I said. â€Å"Really.†â€Å"I know you are,†she said, but she hugged me anyway, and got streaks of flour and cinnamon all down her front. I was due to stay till closing but they packed me off an hour early. I didn’t argue. I fetched the Wreck and drove home slowly. I was so tired – bone tired, marrow tired, what comes after that? Life tired? That’s the kind of tired I was. It wasn’t just lack of sleep tired, though I did have a few fuzzy cobwebs at the corners of my vision. I could hear some of Mom’s charms moving around in the glove compartment. Once a charm has been given someone’s name, if that someone doesn’t snap it and let it go live, it may pop itself, and try to come after you. When I opened the glove compartment to put a new one in now, half a dozen of the old ones tried to climb up my arm. They were probably all totally cracked from driving around in a car though. It had been dark for two hours. The moon was rising. I thought about trying to talk Charlie into keeping the coffeehouse open twentyfour hours, drive those inferior Prime Time brownies right out of town. Then I could never leave the coffeehouse again, for the rest of my life. Pat and Jesse would be disappointed, of course, and we’d have to gear hard after the insomniac market, to keep the customer flow up, all night long, since you can’t ward a restaurant. But these were mere practical problems. The thing that really bothered me was that I’d have to tell everyone why. That there was a vampire – a master vampire, and his gang – after me. Specifically the ones I’d got away from two months ago, and it turns out suckers are poor losers. And persistent bastards. That maybe I was the first bad-magic wuss in history. The lab-coat brigade would probably want to do exhaustive research on my mother’s child-rearing techniques as well as on my blood chemistry. Academic prunes would write papers. If they knew. If I lost it and they found out. There was a light on in Yolande’s part of the house, spilling across the porch and toward the drive. I still went up my own stairs in the dark; there was a hall light, but electric light in that narrow window-less way made me feel claustrophobic. When I got upstairs, and bolted the door behind me, I still didn’t turn the light on. I had another cup of chamomile tea on the dark balcony. Moonlight was beginning to glimmer through the trees at the edge of the garden. And I turned off thinking. I sat there, listening to the almost-silence. There were tiny rustling noises, the hoot of an owl, the soft stirring of the wind through leaves. External leaves. Internal leaves. A tree? It shouldn’t be a tree. My immaterial mentor should be one of those things in one of my brothers’ combox games that you zapped on sight, all teeth and turpitude. And nothing at all like you, Sunshine†¦we need you. I was so tired. At least tonight I had the option to go to bed early. I put my cup in the sink, put my nightgown on. Like last night, I was out as soon as I lay down. But I woke again only a few hours later, knowing he was there. I lay curled up, facing the wall; the window, and the rest of the room, were behind me. I didn’t hear him, of course. But I knew he was there. I turned over. There was a bright rectangle of moonlight on the floor, and a dark shape sitting motionless in the chair beyond it. He raised his head a little, in acknowledgment, I think, of my waking. He’d been watching me. I thought about being in the same room with a vampire. I thought about the fact that he’d come in, however he’d come in, through some charmed and warded door (or window). I thought about the fact that I had, of course, invited him in, when he had brought me home, two months ago. I hadn’t thought about inviting him in, but I’d been beyond that kind of thinking then anyway, and he’d been doing me the small service of saving my life at the time. I shouldn’t now object to the idea that once I’d invited him over my threshold the welcome was, apparently, permanent. You can kind of feel the barrier your wards are making for you, feel if there are any big drafts flowing through any big holes. There weren’t any drafts. None of my wards were reacting to his presence. I assumed the invitation was particular to him. That I hadn’t thrown the way open for vampires in general. Not a nice thought. Maybe I’d invited him over my threshold a second time when I stood on the edge of the darkness two nights ago and said, What do I do now? There were things I’d forgotten. I’d forgotten the wrongness. What was new was the fact that, despite my heart doing its fight-or-flight, help-we’re-prey-and-HEY-STUPID-THAT’S-A-VAMPIRE number, I was glad to see him. Ridiculous but true. Scary but true. The one person – creature – whatever of my acquaintance who wouldn’t be in any danger if I snapped. Even a criminally deranged almost-human berserker is no match for a vampire. The one whatever of my acquaintance who probably would still make me look virtuous and morally upstanding if I did snap. I didn’t find this very comforting. â€Å"You came,†I said. â€Å"I was here last night,†he said. â€Å"But you slept deeply, and I did not wish to disturb you.†I’d also forgotten how uncanny his voice was. Sinister. Not human. â€Å"That was nice of you,†I said, listening to myself and thinking you pathetic numbskull. â€Å"I had three hours of sleep last night and it – it’s been a long couple of days.†â€Å"Yes,†he said. How to cite Sunshine Chapter 10, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Mediating Effect of Cognitive and Emotional Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty Essay Example
The Mediating Effect of Cognitive and Emotional Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty Essay International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2: E5 The Mediating Effect of Cognitive and Emotional Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty Maznah Wan Omar Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah Peti Surat 187, 08400 Merbok, Kedah, Malaysia [emailprotected] uitm. edu. my ABSTRACT Loyal customers are among the greatest revenue producer and are more likely to occur in a form of word-of-mouth. In the compound and vibrant Malaysian home computer retail market today, customer loyalty through word-of-mouth marketing tends to occur very slowly and is limited geographically but is a very potent method of marketing. The influence of cognitive and emotional satisfaction on the relationship between salesperson presentation skills and customer’s loyalty through intention to promote by word-of-mouth is vital. This will then lead to increased benefits for the organization in the form of customer loyalty. The cognitive evaluation of customer satisfaction was found to explain customer loyalty in a retail setting more than the emotional reaction. This finding holds importance to those retailers who have been able to generate high expectations in the eyes of their customers. Keywords: Adaptive selling skills, sales presentation skills, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty INTRODUCTION As competition deepens, products and services become more indistinguishable, and markets become established, it is becoming increasingly tougher for companies in retailing industries to distinguish themselves from other stores. Simply offering customers with technical solutions to problems does not be sufficient anymore to be competitive and obtain and retain market share. Various value-added services, which commence before the actual operation begins, had gone far beyond it, so as to stay competitive and develop customer loyalty. Research and business customs have shown that upholding customers through value-added services costs less than obtaining new ones (Wetzels et al. , 1998). A prevailing belief holds that an essential key to performance rests with the ability to sustain 1 www. macrothink. org/ijmis International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2: E5 ustomer relationships (Anderson et al. , 1994). Correspondingly, as relational value continues beyond price, customer bond are particularly effective when involved in long-term relationships (Wood, 1995). LITERATURE REVIEW Salesperson Behavior Performance In recent years, a number of authors have been confronted with this issue of the changing role of the sales force. Up-and-coming trends of the extent and scope recorded above require a re-evaluation of the activities that salespeople must execute in order to successfully build and manage customer loyalty. We will write a custom essay sample on The Mediating Effect of Cognitive and Emotional Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Mediating Effect of Cognitive and Emotional Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Mediating Effect of Cognitive and Emotional Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Marshall et al. , (1999), interviewed a diversity of professional salespeople to give evidence for 49 new sales activities that were not pointed out in Moncrief’s (1986) original list. These latest activities fall into the following main categories: communication technology, selling technology, activities related to adaptive and consultative selling, and team-oriented activities. Many of the specific activities within these categories involve skills and content knowledge dissimilar from those traditionally observed in the past as key salesperson success factors. This study therefore will consider how cognitive and emotional satisfaction mediates the relationship between salesperson presentation skills and customer’s intention to word-of-mouth. These situational factors have not been considered in prior research and provide new avenues for examining salesperson presentation skills in Malaysian market and its consequences. Additionally, as most studies have considered salespeople as their unit of analysis, this study will add to the small but imminent body of research that investigates performance and effectiveness relationships at the customer’s level. Formation of loyalty through satisfaction It is by and large believed that satisfaction leads to repeat purchase and positive word-of-mouth recommendation, which are the main indicators of loyalty. Marketing literature has paid much attention to the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty (Chi, 2005). A number of studies have confirmed a significant positive relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty/retention (Chi, 2005). If consumers are satisfied with the product or service, they are more likely to carry on purchasing, and are more willing to spread positive WOM. Salesperson presentation skills Churchill et al. , (1997, p. 367) define selling skill as a salesperson’s â€Å"learned proficiencies at performing job activities,†and describe Salesperson presentation skills as the skills that are associated to successfully conducting the personal selling process (i. e. the series of interconnected steps that salespeople generally use to link with the influence customer). 2 www. macrothink. org/ijmis International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 2009, Vol. , No. 2: E5 Recognizing the importance of salesperson presentation skills, Marshall et al. (2003) gathered and ranked sales manager perceptions of â€Å"success factors†that contribute to salesperson job performance. They report that managers feel that six specific salesperson presentation skills: listening, adaptive selling, handling objections, closing, negotiating, and prospecting (in descending order of perceived importance) are highly important t o salesperson performance (Johlke, 2006). Accordingly, this group of salesperson presentation skills will be used at the heart of the hypothesized model. Customer satisfaction The importance of customer satisfaction to the success of consumer goods manufacturers (Burns Neisner, 2006) and to the success of retailers (Darian et al. , 2001) has been well documented. Customer satisfaction is regarded as a primary determining factor of repeat shopping and purchasing behavior. The greater the degree to which a consumer experiences satisfaction with a retailer, for instance, the greater the probability the consumer will revisit the retailer (Burns Neisner, 2006, p. 49; Wong Sohal, 2003). In summary, we note the distinction between transaction-specific and overall satisfaction, and for this study, we adopt the broader definition of satisfaction whereby the overall measure is an aggregation of all previous transaction-specific satisfaction, and involves both cognitive and affective components. Recently, the overall measure has been shown to be a better predictor of repurchase intentions (Jones Suh, 2000). Research Framework and Hypotheses Based on the review of literatures concerning the study variables on salesperson presentation skills, customer satisfaction, and customer’s intention to word-of-mouth, the theoretical framework for this study was developed based on Oliver’s (1997, p. 392) Cognitive-Affective-Conative Behavior pattern model. This research model has been adapted and used in this study. Relationship between Salesperson presentation skill and Intention to WOM Although a customer’s personality and the employee’s customer orientation were considered an important antecedent to relationship strength, salesperson presentation skill rather than his/her personality would perform a greater part in determining relationship strength (Foster Cadogen, 2000). Salespersons are social actors who learn behaviors that are appropriate to the positions they take up (Bove Johnson, 2000). In other words, salesperson can be motivated to adapt their behavior to situational requirements in spite of personal preferences (Bove Johnson, 2000). To date, there is a lack of studies investigating the numerous aspects of service that are imperative to customer retention (Zeithaml, 2000)? Furthermore, the different outcomes (i. e. 3 www. macrothink. org/ijmis International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2: E5 attitudinal and behavioral) of relationship strength are left predominantly unexplored in the relationship marketing literature. In addition, there is a lack of studies that explore the impact of factors such as salesperson presentation skill on customer’s intention to WOM. Conclusively, there is little empirical work investigating customer relationship economies, which is the link between attitudinal measures (i. e. salesperson presentation skill, customer satisfaction) and behavioral measures (i. e. customer loyalty, intention to repurchase, intention to WOM, and long-term customer relationship profitability), Wong and Sohal, (2006). Therefore, in line with the above reasoning’s and findings, it is conjectured that: H1: There is a direct positive relationship between salesperson’s presentation skills and intention to word-of-mouth (WOM). Relationship between Customer satisfaction and customer’s intention to WOM Customer satisfaction is important to marketers because it is usually assumed to be a significant determinant of recurring sales, positive word-of-mouth, intention to repurchase, and customer loyalty. It is worthy to consumers because it reflects a positive outcome following the outlay of limited resources and/or the positive accomplishment of prior needs. As a consequence, maximizing satisfaction is seen as a significant objective, collectively for both the firm and the consumer (Mouri, 2005). Likewise, theory suggests that satisfaction feeds back into the system to influence ensuing intentions and behaviors (Wallace et al. , 2004). Customer’s satisfaction with the shopping experience should reflect well on the retailer. An increase in satisfaction has been shown to result in increased customer loyalty (Donio et al. , 2006). From the above arguments it is hypothesized that: H2: There is a direct positive relationship between customer satisfaction and intention to word-of-mouth. H2a: There is a direct positive relationship between cognitive satisfaction and intention to word-of-mouth. H2b: There is a direct positive relationship between emotional satisfaction and intention to word-of-mouth. The mediating effect of Customer Satisfaction on Salesperson presentation skill and Customer’s intention to WOM relationship. Overall satisfaction with an experience does lead to customer loyalty (Caruana, 2002). Bearden and Teel (1983) argue that customer satisfaction is imperative to the marketer because â€Å"it is generally assumed to be significant determinant of repeat sales, positive word of mouth, intention to repurchase, and consumer loyalty†. Similarly, Bloemer and Poiesz (1989) have also argued that â€Å"satisfaction can be thought of as an important determinant of customer loyalty†, while Selnes (1993) argues that it is satisfaction with a brand or service that leads to 4 www. macrothink. org/ijmis International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2: E5 customer loyalty. This view is also supported by Dick and Basu (1994). LaBarbera and Mazursky (1983) show empirically that brand and service loyal customers had a lower probability to substitute brands or service due to higher levels of satisfaction. On the basis of the above findings, customer satisfaction is indicated as having a function and acting as a mediator in the link between salesperson presentation skills and customer loyalty (Lim, 2004). Therefore, in line with the above reasoning’s and findings, the following were hypothesized: H3: Customer satisfaction mediates the relationship presentation skills and intention to word-of-mouth. H3a: between salesperson Cognitive satisfaction mediates the relationship between salesperson presentation skills and intention to word-of-mouth. H3b: Emotional satisfaction mediates the relationship between salesperson presentation skills and intention to word-of-mouth. METHODOLOGY Sampling Design To have a representative finding, the sampling technique used must be objective. This is an important effort adopted by most researchers in order to furnish a finding pertinent to the general. To choose the sample for this study, probability random sampling was used. A probability sample is necessary if the sample is to be representative of the population (Reeves, 1992). Therefore, a two-stage systematic sampling technique is employed in this study. Population and sample size In determining the sample size for this study, sample size selected was based on the criteria set according to Sawyer and Ball (1981). According to Sawyer and Ball (1981), it is estimated that a proportion of 13% of the explained variance to effect size values is a medium effect size for regression analysis. One common measure of effect size is eta squared. Eta squared represents the proportion of variance of the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variable (Pallant, 2005). According to Cohen (1988), the strength of the effect size are interpreted as follows; 0. 01 = small effect size, 0. 06 = moderate effect size, and 0. 14 = large effect size. Thus five independent variables were used and using the statistical significance of 0. 05 (95% confidence level) and an effect size values of . 13 is found to be truly sufficient and not by chance. Goodness of Measure In determining the goodness of data for the study, factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed. Factor analysis was used to assess the convergent validity of the items used in the 5 www. macrothink. org/ijmis International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2: E5 questionnaire while Cronbach’s alpha was performed to examine the internal consistency of the factors obtained. The result of the reliability test are presented in Table 1 Table 1. Reliability Coefficients for the Variables in the Study Construct/Variables Number of Items 3 Cronbach’s Alpha . 75 Mean Std. Dev Sales Presentation skill/Knowledge 3. 78 0. 72 Customer satisfaction Emotional Satisfaction 4 . 84 4. 10 0. 64 Cognitive Satisfaction 4 . 76 3. 85 0. 58 Customer loyalty Word-of-mouth (WOM) 2 . 69 3. 93 0. 59 Note: All items used a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree) The result of the reliability analysis sum up in Table 1 confirmed that all the scales shown, reveal a high internal consistency and reliability with Cronbach’s alpha values higher than the minimum perimeter, (Cronbach’s alpha gt; 0. 60). Research Findings and Discussion Hypotheses Testing Multiple regression tests were conducted in order to test the relationship between the predictor variable and the criterion variable. Respondents’ demographic variables such as salesperson are younger or older than the customers, gender, and ethnicity were statistically controlled (Connel et al. , 2003; Hemdi, 2006). Hence, these variables were entered into the regression equation in the first step. The predictor variables were entered in the second step. The following Table’s below summarizes the result of the analyses. Regression Analysis with Control Variables The relationship word-of-mouth between salesperson presentation skills and intention to Table 2. Results of hierarchical regression analysis of salesperson presentation skills on intention to word-of-mouth Predictors Step 1: Control Variables Younger or older Gender Ethnicity 6 Model 1 Std. ? -. 05 -. 01 . 09 Model 2 Std. ? . 01 -. 01 -. 02 www. macrothink. org/ijmis International Journal of Management Innovation Systems ISSN 1943-1384 2009, Vol. 1, No. 2: E5 Step 2: Sales presentation skills R? Adj. R? R? Change F-Change Note. Significant levels: *p
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