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With much function, Qatar Airways turned into the first of the enormous Sulfated c aeries to enter a worldwide carrier partnership by joinin...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Pascal Definition (Pa Unit)

A Pascal is the SI unit of pressure. A Pascal is equal to a force of one newton per square meter. 101325 pascals 1 atmosphere. 105 pascals 1 bar. The abbreviation for the Pascal unit is Pa.

Monday, December 23, 2019

War I And World War II - 1264 Words

During any war, there will alwaAys be alliances made which stick even after the war has been dissolved. Postwar foreign policy after wars such as World War I and World War II was complicated and both had their similarities and differences from each other. World War I (WWI) strengthened our international relations with many countries, It also deteriorated some relations as well and set the stage for America becoming a great power. World War II (WWII) had some of the same effects, solidating our bond with the Allies and breaking others, but also it had many differences. Our post-war foreign policy after WWI consisted of alliances, power, money, and enemies. After the war, our relations with England and France mainly were strengthened.†¦show more content†¦Our policy with Germany greatly shifted because after the war germany was seen as unable to govern their country, therefore the USSR took control of East Germany and France, England, and America took control of West Germany. The Economy was greatly affected as well. America’s economy increased dramatically, due to the amount of factory jobs and amounts of production for the war. But Japan’s economy plummeted due to the loss of their land in china and many of the islands in the Pacific Ocean and the effects of getting two cities destroyed due to the new found nuclear bombs. All these reactions influenced our foreign policy and caused us to be where we are now. Both wars caused great shifts in this world and molded it to be where it is now. WWI and WWII both had many of the same post-war effects and caused great changes. They shared the display of America’s power, brought us and England and France closer together, Boosted and Destroyed economies and much more. They both had differences too such as, WWI destroying Germany’s economy instead of splitting it up into two different countries. And WWII having the effect of new nuclear power, and the effects on the Pacific as well as Europe. Many differences and similarities were shown in these two major wars and brought us here. Both WWI and WWII were similar and different in their postwar foreign policy effects.Show MoreRelatedThe War I And World War II1660 Words   |  7 Pagesin thehistory of the world were World War I and World War II. World War I occurred from 1914 to 1918. World War I was caused by militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism and assassination (MANIA). The first four causations were more of a build-up to it. Then, once the Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, the buildup was sparked. This can be compared to pouring gasoline on the ground and then lighting it on fire. World War II occurred from 1939 to 1945.World War II was caused by the discontentRead MoreThe War I And World War II944 Words   |  4 PagesFrom piles of bodies in no man’s land to Jewish death camps, the level of violence found within World War I and World War II was extreme even for wartime standards. Th ese experiences shaped generations to come through the memories passed on by those who lived through such atrocities. Both Ernst Junger and Art Spiegelman carry on these memories through the book Storm of Steel and graphic novel Maus. Their pieces both give glimpses into the lives of the past and the violence in which those individualsRead MoreThe War I And World War II911 Words   |  4 Pages There are many countries in the world that have a great history. Their antiquity benefited them in one way or another. One of these nations is France, which is known to have glorious events in the past. These events have made France the way it is now. For example, World War I, and World War II. However, these events were not the only thing that had a major role in France’s history some people are involved as well, such as Napoleon Bonaparte I and Louis Napoleon III. Those two men controlled FranceRead MoreWar I And World War II1517 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout history the United S tates has been involved in many different wars. Their involvement has brought forth many significant events and changes that have affected the American way of life. I will briefly discuss the events and the United States involvement in World War I and World War II. I will give a brief overview of both wars and explain exactly how and why the United States joined in each. The term First World War was first used in 1914 by Ernst Haeckel, who stated that, there is noRead MoreWar I And World War II919 Words   |  4 Pageshistorians debate rather World War I and World War II were two different parts to the same war or if they are separate and distinct wars. Even though World War I and World War II were very different wars, and there were many years in between the two, the outcomes of World War I caused for World War II to happen because of unresolved issues. World War II is a continuation of World War I. World War I lasted four years and was the first total war in history. Before World War I Europe was doing well theyRead MoreThe War I And World War II1930 Words   |  8 PagesSUMMARY OF WARS Humanity was forever changed after the wars of the 20th century. World War I and World War II are known for the millions of military and civilian lives they took away. Horrific words such as concentration camps, slave labor and genocide are linked to the wars. They are also credited to causing nations to rapidly come up and develop brilliant new inventions, warfare tactics and revolutionary ideas that are still playing intricate roles in modern day societies. Both of these wars were accreditedRead MoreWar I And World War II771 Words   |  4 Pagessought to stay out of both World War I and World War II only to be pulled in by intense happenings that inflicted chaos on the nations people. World War II would be a time in American history that would bring many fresh war tactics and developments, that helped to pull a depraved nation from the depths of a depression as well as pledge the freedom and prosperity of its opposing nations. Dangerous discoveries will be made in the world would be left to be governed by two world powers. Hoping to remainRead MoreThe War I And World War II Essay1639 Words   |  7 PagesThe â€Å"Thirty Years War† World War I and World War II are the largest military conflicts in history. In 1919, Europe attempted to reconstruct the damage left by WWI. After WWI, with the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was left destroyed and destabilized, which eventually laid out the foundation for WWII. The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles led to the aggression of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was supposed to bring about peace, but Marshall Foch, generalissimo of the Allied Armies in FranceRead MoreWorld War I And The War II1518 Words   |  7 PagesWorld War II was a war that ended in much tragedy. There were over 60 million casualties. Throughout World War II there was how it started, the Nazi Regime, and some of the major battles. Much of the war was about the Germans bringing together a group of people called the Nazis. They were under the rule of Adolf Hitler. There were two groups fighting against each other: the Axis powers and the Allied powers. The Axis powers consisted of Japan, Italy, and Germany. The Allied powers were GreatRead MoreThe War I And World War II1191 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction During World War I and World War II life back home changed excessively. When the soldiers went to fight in World War 1 and World War 2, women and children had to replace men in the workforce. There was an increase in those affected by the trauma of the wars, and the birth-rates dropped during this time. Family Families were affected by the trauma and exposure of the war, causing mental illnesses such as depression. Young children had been exposed to the trauma of war. A great deal of pressure

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Night Creature Crescent Moon Chapter 35 Free Essays

â€Å"Oh, my God. Oh, my God.† I couldn’t stop muttering, couldn’t stop staring. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 35 or any similar topic only for you Order Now How could this be? I’d touched Adam with silver. He hadn’t minded. The thing in the cage appeared mad, throwing his body against the metal, trying to chew a way out. Blood marred the white spittle dripping from his snout. Maybe the wolf was rabid after all. â€Å"That’s not a wolf,† I whispered. Absently I shoved the key into my pocket, and my fingertips brushed the gris-gris. The animal howled as if in pain and began to change. The transformation was something from a horror film; at first my mind refused to accept what my eyes couldn’t help but see. The sleek, dark fur receded, becoming shorter and shorter as if it were being sucked through the skin. Paws became feet at the ends of legs and hands at the ends of arms. The claws evaporated the same way the fur had. The neck twisted; the spine lengthened; the animal moaned. Going from quadrapedal to bipedal couldn’t feel good. His snout shortened, dividing into nose and mouth as the canine teeth shrank. The tail disappeared with a thick, wet thunk. The eyes remained the same. Inside the cage stood a naked Adam Ruelle. He didn’t appear upset to be revealed a monster. Didn’t seem to care he was in his altogether for the world to see. In fact, he seemed to like it, or maybe, if the size of his erection was any indication, he liked me. What he didn’t like was the cage. He slammed both hands against the bars and growled, â€Å"Let me out† I shook my head. I couldn’t speak. â€Å"Goddammit, bitch, set me free!† I blinked. That didn’t sound like Adam. Of course, what did I know? I’d believed him when he said he wasn’t the loup-garou. He tilted his head to stare at the crescent moon. â€Å"How did you do it?† â€Å"D-do what?† â€Å"Make me shift.† His voice was heated, his gaze anything but. Staring into his eyes, I was reminded of Lazarus – cold-blooded and empty of emotion. This man would kill without flinching and forget about it before the blood dried on the ground. The Adam I knew wasn’t exactly warm and fuzzy, but he wasn’t evil. Or maybe I’d just been too busy getting my brains screwed out to notice. My hand ached from clutching the gris-gris. I glanced down, opened my fingers, and understood. I’d been unable to see the truth until magic cleared my eyes. â€Å"I ran as a wolf under de crescent moon. I have no choice.† I lifted my gaze. â€Å"The curse.† â€Å"Oui. But I become a man when I choose, or when de sun comes.† He swept a hand down his body. â€Å"This was not my choice.† I folded my fingers around the gris-gris. I had asked for the truth. â€Å"Why you lock me up like this?† he whispered. â€Å"You know I’d come to you in de night. I like to hear you scream when I fuck you. You didn’t have to put me in a cage.† I winced at his language and the thought I’d been sleeping with a monster. I’d believed myself in love with him, had begun to imagine a life together. I was a fool. â€Å"Let me go, and I’ll do you right here.† He took himself in his hand and pumped, then moaned a little. The sound was more of a growl and marched along my skin like biting red ants. â€Å"I’ve been imagining such things, Diana. You, me, this way and that. Have you ever wanted to mate with a beast?† My eyes widened. I couldn’t speak. Adam seemed like a completely different man. Was he possessed by Satan under the crescent moon? Apparently. â€Å"I’ll shift again. It’ll be doggie style like you’ve never had before. And if you make me howl, I won’t even kill you tonight† I took a step back and he smiled. Were his teeth growing longer along with his – ? I yanked my gaze away, but not before he saw my unease and smirked. â€Å"With de flower I marked you as mine.† How could that be? Adam had taken the fire irises away from me, thrown them into the swamp, told me not to pick them again. Was he schizophrenic? That would make a certain kind of sense. I’d read all of Simon’s research into lycanthropy. Many psychiatrists and other physicians believed the historical reports of werewolves stemmed from the behavior of the insane. Back then mental illness was labeled possession. I stared at Adam, locked in a cage. I could understand the theory. â€Å"I watched you whenever I could. De others knew you were mine to keep or kill.† I guess I hadn’t been crazy when I’d heard more than one wolf in the swamp, seen slinky shadows hi town. History often repeated itself, and one of its great lessons is that evil loves to beget evil. ‘I wanted to be inside you that first night,† he continued, â€Å"but de crescent moon called. I had to make do with a few touches.† No wonder I’d had such an erotic dream at the hotel on Bourbon Street My skin went clammy at that memory and several others. â€Å"Set me free. I’ll get out sooner or later. But if it’s later, you’ll pay. I will do tilings you never imagined. I will keep you alive forever. You will beg to die, Diana, and I will never let you go.† I wasn’t stupid. If I let him out now, obsession or no, he’d kill me. I rubbed my thumb over the outline of the key in my pocket. If I had my way, he would never see freedom again. â€Å"I have to get back to de boy,† he whispered. â€Å"He expects me come morning.† Black dots danced in front of my eyes. Luc. How could I have forgotten? I couldn’t connect the man who’d so tenderly held his son, who had refused to allow me near him lest the boy be hurt when I left, to the one who spoke so calmly of both killing and fucking me. Definitely possessed by Satan. Without another word, I walked away. Adam’s voice followed me down the trail: â€Å"What de hell? You think you can leave me here?† â€Å"Just did,† I muttered. â€Å"I will kill you!† â€Å"Redundant.† â€Å"I will tear out your guts and strangle you with them. I will drink your blood; I will bathe in it.† â€Å"Original.† And pretty scary. Nevertheless, I had to get to Luc and take him away. I ran all the way back to the mansion, grabbed my stuff, and tossed everything into the trunk except the dart gun, Cassandra’s knife, and my cell phone. Those I placed on the front seat. I stared at Adam’s pistol for a second, then realized he wouldn’t have helped me out by loading it with silver, and left the thing in the trunk. Around my waist I secured a fanny pack with my money and travel documents. As I climbed behind the wheel, a howl rose toward the descending moon. Uneasy, I glanced at the swaying swamp. That had sounded close. I floored the accelerator, spewing grass and dirt until I fishtailed onto the highway. Then I used one hand to dial Frank. Since it was the middle of the night, I wasn’t surprised when his machine answered. â€Å"Your loup-garou is confined in a cage in the swamp about a mile east of the Ruelle Mansion,† I said. â€Å"If you have a problem finding him, call Detective Conner Sullivan and have him take you to the place where Charlie died.† I hung up and muttered, â€Å"The first time.† I didn’t consider where I was going, what I was doing, or how I would hide from Adam for the next fifty years. I focused all my attention on getting to Luc and getting him gone. The moon was nearly down; the sun would soon be up. I parked in front of Adam’s trailer. I’d walked halfway to the door before I went back and grabbed the knife. â€Å"Better safe than sorry,† I murmured, and tucked the weapon into the pack at my waist I decided to make that my mantra. A few seconds later, hand poised to knock, mind occupied constructing a stupendous lie for Sadie, the babysitter, I hesitated, then tried the doorknob. The door swung inward without a sound. After glancing over one shoulder, then the other, I scampered inside. I’d been bent on doing anything it took to get to the child and then kidnap him, but strolling into a house uninvited made me uncomfortable. I crept down the hall. In the first room, Sadie slept on the bed. I pulled the door shut and moved on to the room illuminated by a night-light. A gaggle of boy toys – a football, a bat, a deck of cards that appeared to have been the victim of fifty-two pickup – were strewn across the floor, as well as several dirty T-shirts and a dozen smelly socks. Luc lay on top of the covers, arms and legs flung apart with wild abandon. I let out the breath I’d been holding in a rush and Luc’s eyes snapped open. He must have been a real treat to get down for a nap as a baby. I put my finger to my lips, and he grinned as I hurried across the floor to kneel at his side. Before I could speak, he flung his arms around my neck and hugged me. What I wouldn’t give to be able to trust like that. After this, I probably never would. â€Å"We’re going on a trip,† I whispered. â€Å"Do you have a suitcase?† â€Å"You and me and Daddy?† he whispered back. â€Å"Just you and me.† â€Å"Is that OK with Daddy?† â€Å"No,† said a familiar voice from the door. How to cite Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 35, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Contract Law Networked Knowledge

Question: Discuss about the Contract Law for Networked Knowledge. Answer: Introduction: Consideration is the benefit which is enjoyed by both the parties or what they expect to get from the contractual relation they enter in. For a contract to be valid in the promise so made there must be a consideration present, or may be payment of some kind to the promisor for the promise so made. In our example here Jane offers to give Lotus Sports Car to Jack but here Jane hasnt asked Jack any amount in return. So, it will be an act of gift as there is no consideration from the promise to the promisor. Suppose if a friend offers a gift to another without asking any in return- the arrangement so made will not be termed as a contract because the friend did not ask something or a pay in return for the promise so made. Similarly, in our case Jane offered the car whereas she didnt ask any money in return for the car. Here there is no consideration that is moving from Jack to Jane . A contract is based on exchange of promises but here the promise is moving from only one side . Here one party will get the benefit but the other party will not be in a detriment position. So this is a case of gift and law does not see gift as a contract unless it is made under a deed. So the contract is not enforceable by law because by the law of contract there is no bilateral contract and no return consideration from the promisee to promisor. For example , if my uncle promoises to give me money to buy a house , without anything in return , then it is a promise to make a gift. And I cannot force or sue my u ncle to enforce the contract as the contract is without consideration and not enforceable by law. The law states that it is not necessary for a contract to be adequate but it has to be sufficient. It means that the consideration should be of some value, whether it is appropriate or not to complete the contract. The court will see in the matter whether there is exchange of value and will term it as adequate only when they have agreed to enter into the contract readily and without any force. The court is not affected by whether the parties have received equal value or not. We will see an example case of White v Bluett, where Bluett sued his fathers will for an outstanding debt of his father and he claimed that he was promised by his father that it would be returned to his son. In exchange his father asked his son to stop complaining. Here the Court held that the consideration was not real as it didnt have any economic value in return for the promise and regarded the son still liable for the debt. The exchange of promise must be tangible for the contract to be legally enforceable. In the case of Thomas v Thomas(1842) , here the case was to give a house on rent for Euro 1 p.a and also to keep the premise in good condition. Hence it was seen by the court that the payment and promise to keep the house in a good condition was considered to be a consideration for the contract and made it legally binding. Though the payment was not adequate but it was still sufficient for the binding contract. It is not necessary that there must be full return.Even in our case Jane offered to sell his Lotus sports car 7 for $2500 instead of $25000. This contract was considered to be legal though the amount was not adequate. In such situatuion the contract is enforceable by law because though the amount is not adequate but there is some monetary value in returm. And also, they case may be that such amount might be sufficient for the party. Here the court is not responsible to see if the parties made a good or a bad bargain or whether they received equal value or not. Hence, the contract is valid and enforceable by law. Consideration is the price which the promisor asks from the promise in exchange for the promise made by them.In every valid contract there is a change in the position of both the party one party receives a benefit and the other suffers a detriment. The consideration must move from the promisee to the promisor at the request of the promisor. In our case, Jane offers to sell her Lotus sports car 7 to Jack at the value of $25000. Also, the market value is same. Hence, it is a valid consideration.The consideration needs not be past ,but it can be present or future. In our case the consideration is present . The consideration has to be real and not illusionary. For example, A promised to pay $200 extra to a doctor if he operates his son succesfully. This consideration is illusionary and not real as the doctor is already bound to perform his duty. In our case we see that all the legalities of the consideration exist in this offer and thereby we see that it is a valid contract. The consideration has to move from the promisees end to the promisor. We will see the case of Tweddle vs Atkinson (1861) a couple got married. The father of the groom and the brides father made a contract that they will both pay a sum of money to the couple as a blessing from their end. First, the brides father died and after some day when the grooms father thought os suing he also died and therefore could not sue for the contract made.Then, the groom made a claim against the wills executor. Here the final verdict was that the groom was not entitle to enforce the contract as neither he was a party to the agreement nor he made the contract and also the consideration did not move from his end. In our case the consideration will move from Jack to Jane thereby satisfying the essentiality of the validity of contract. Consideration is a benefit that they expect to receive when two parties enter into a contract or the benefits they enjoy by entering into such contracts. The law states that the promisee must provide some consideration to the promisor for the promise made and for the agreement to be binding. Past consideration is not enforceable by law. If an act has already been performed then by the reference to that act any subsequent payment will not be enforceable as per the law. If a person has an obligation to do an act in question then the promise of doing it or actually doing it will not be regarded as consideration for an additional payment. Economic Duress -Duress is a situation when one party exerts illegitimate pressure on another party which is in a weaker position to enter into an contract. To prove that there is an economic duress a party has to prove three points which are : There was a continuous ongoing contract between both the parties. 1. The defendant threatened to terminate the pre existent contract and which would duly affect the plaintiff position. 2. Under the duress by the defendant the weaker party has agreed to enter the contract with the changed terms and conditions. There are two elements by which duress is easily identified: 1. Absence of choice 2. Illegitimate pressure. We will refer to one more case to understand economic duress the case of Occidental Worldwide Investment v Skibs(The Sibeon the Sibotre) In this case the defendant was to buy two charters from the plaintiff. The defendant falsely told the other party that they were about to become insolvent if the other party did not lower the cost of the charter. This was an untrue statement. The claimant already owed a huge amount of money from the other party and they thought that if they did not lower the cost then the company would become insolvent and they would lose their money. So they renegotiated the contract and lowered the price according to the defendant. However, later on they decided to to set aside the contract. The judgement in this case was that though the contract would be voidable due to economic duress but this was not in this case Here there was no coercion to enter into the contract and also the commercial pressure was not present in this case. We will see one more example where there was economic duress and the plaintiff had the right to rescind the contract - Universe Tankships vs International transport Workers Federation, The universe Sentinel. The ITWF blacked a ship to prevent it from leaving the port and made huge demands for the pay and also asked for huge sum of money to pay to the Seafarers International Welfare Funds. The ship owners agreed under that that the ship could leave the port and so that they did not make any further loss. And they thought that they will later on recover the amount from the welfare fund. The judgement in this case was that The money was extracted by the ITWF was under economic duress and it could be recovered by the plaintiff. It made the contract voidable at the option of the party. Here as the party had no other choice but to submit and pay the money demanded by them so there was a lack of choice by the plaintiff and therefore economic duress existed and the payment was refunded to th e plaintiff party. Whenever there exist a duress while entering into contract then the law permits the party to escape their contractual obligation by rendering the contact voidable Our case relates to the famous case North Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd v Hyundai Construction Co Ltd (1979). In our case North Ocean Shipping enter in a contract with Hyundai Construction Co. in which Hyundai Construction Co. agreed to build a tanker and the price to be paid was fixed in US Dollars. The payment was to be made in five equal installments But after the contract was entered and after the first installment was paid the US Dollar was devalued by 10% and therefore the Hyundai Construction asked for an additional 10% increase in payment in all the remaining four installments without any legality. Hyundai Constructions made it very clear that without the increase in the payment Hyundai Construction Co. would not construct the tankers any further. North Ocean Shipping already had a client available with whom they expected good profits and who were ready to take the ship but only if the ship was ready on the stipulated time. North Ocean Shipping wanted to maintain an amicable relation and therefore with the fear of losing the client they agreed to pay an additional amount. But later a fter 9 months they filed a case to recover the excess amount paid to Hyundai constructions Co. Here was a case of economic duress because the Hyundai construction was very adamant that it would only accept the excess price without any legal justification to it. That time due to economic duress as the shipping company continued to stay in the contract as a threat that it would affect its economic interest or well being. The contract here was not void but it was voidable at the option of the party which has suffered the duress. And after the contract has been finished and the party didnt act yet then it will be taken as affirmation of the party to the contract and the party will lose the right to take any serious legal action. Even in our case here as there was a lapse of 9 month and the contract was only voidable so, the North Ocean Shipping company lost the right to recover any excess damage paid by them References Moles R, Networked knowledge- contract law casenotes ,viewed 10 August2016, https://netk.net.au/Contract/NorthOcean.asp Contracts entered under duress, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Duress.php Duress, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.australiancontractlaw.com/law/avoidance-duress.html Universe tankship v international transport worker federation,the universe sentinal, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Universe-Tankships-v-International-Transport-Workers-Federation%2C-The-Universe-Se.php Contract consideration, viewed 10 August 2016, https://e-lawresources.co.uk/Consideration.php Lady L 2014, Consideration need not be adequate but must be sufficient- contract law, viewed 10 August 2016, https://laoislass.blogspot.in/2014/02/consideration-need-not-be-adequate-but.html Stim R, Consideration: every contract needs it, viewed 10August 2016, https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/consideration-every-contract-needs-33361.html Clarke J 2015, Consideration, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.australiancontractlaw.com/law/formation-consideration.html Nolo 2006, What makes a contract valid, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.forbes.com/2006/11/20/smallbusiness-statelaw-gifts-ent-law-cx_nl_1120contracts.html Singh S, What are the legal rules regarding consideration? ,viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.preservearticles.com/2012012621489/what-are-the-legal-rules-regarding-consideration.html

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Impact of Ethics on Decision Making Essay Example For Students

The Impact of Ethics on Decision Making Essay Running Head: Ethical Decisions The Impact of Ethics on Decision Making Essay Sheila Reeve University of Phoenix Online The Impact of Ethics on Decision Making We will write a custom essay on The Impact of Ethics on Decision Making specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ferrel and Gardiner (1991) say there are two criteria to ethical choices on top of being legal. The first being; One does not infringe on the basic inalienable human rights such as life, freedom of speech and privacy, due process recognized by our society (ethical formalism). Basically stating the respect of others should be considered in all decisions. The second states each person should strive towards an increase in self-esteem and mental health. Maintaining self-respect should be thought of in the decision making process. We all face decisions in every day life, some appear obvious and easy while others do not. People are always struggling with their ethics during the decision making process. There are those who do not how to decided which is ethical or not. I found an Ethics Quick Test from the Online Ethics for Engineering and Science page (2002), which provides seven things, to check in order to examine the ethical implications toward a person decisions: 1)Is the action legal? 2)Does it comply with your understanding of our values? 3)If you do it, will you feel bad? 4)How will it look in the newspaper? 5)If you know it is wrong, do not do it. 6)If you are not sure, ask. 7)Keep asking until you get an answer. Even though this information pertains to a specific topic it can also be used in everyday life. Everyone should be able to look at a choice and answer these questions without hesitation. When thinking of whether or not something is legal, one would need to look at all aspect of the word legal. Is this going to harm anyone, including ones self? There is also the issue of the decision being legal but it may not be ethical. For example: a woman who legally not responsible for a traffic accident but clearly in the cause. She stops in the road because she wants to get something out of her car into a building. Not only does she turn her car off, she turns her lights off as well with no hazard lights turned on. The road has no room from the curb to the actual road for a car to pass without going into oncoming traffic. A second driver coming down the same road, not seeing her car sitting on the side of the road runs into her car. The person in the second car receives the traffic ticket and is sued for damages done to her car. The insurance company for this person ends up paying for the damages done to the ladys car. Even though this is not ethical it was completely legal. If the woman, in the parked car, had thought about the consequences of her actions she would have realized she was in the wrong and perhaps not have sued the innocent person. Ferrel and Gardiner mention along with some decisions comes a price of short-term stress or a degree of conflict and pain. Many people battle the decision of whether their personal values outweigh what is legally right. As is most situations within the medical field. Knowing that each person has his or her own values and beliefs is one thing. Its another to accept this fact though. Within the medical field this is a conflict that arises often. By law, medical personnel must learn to put their own personal beliefs aside and abide by the wishes of the patients and families. If they dont, the risk of being sued is high. Which is ethical though? Abiding the wishes of the patient or ones own beliefs? Many battle the If I turn this machine off this person will die, it will be my fault. This is a decision one should make prior to entering the field. Perhaps the above number four, regarding the newspaper issue, may not be pertinent, but the issue raises a good point. .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 , .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .postImageUrl , .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 , .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818:hover , .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818:visited , .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818:active { border:0!important; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818:active , .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818 .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u12d9001c8e90b73750ad97b3ce36f818:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 4th grade Living Things Unit 4, Lesson 1 A better way of looking at it might be: If looked at from the perspective of others, how will it appear? What will the public eye think about the decision made? If a Senator .

Monday, November 25, 2019

Great Expectation Essays

Great Expectation Essays Great Expectation Paper Great Expectation Paper Charles Dickens Great Expectations tells the powerful story of a young orphaned boy, Pip and his journey through childhood to adulthood, following the life changing events, which challenge him along the way. We see how he develops into a young man, engulfed in aspiring to achieve his ambitions.  Lacking parental love and support due to an early death of his parents, he lives under the mercy of his elder sister Mrs Joe. An abrupt, hot-tempered woman lacking sympathy for others, viewing Pip as an unfortunate hindrance with which she is burdened. Her husband, Mr Joe Gargery, An uneducated Black Smith, has quite the opposite temperament to his wife. He appears rather inadequate in her presence, sharing the same childlike fear of her unusual female dominance as Pip, rather than daring to show his own male assertiveness. Pip forms a strong bond with Joe throughout his childhood. Pip is originally set to become an apprentice to Joe as a blacksmith. However, when he receives a request to attend to Miss Havisham at Satis House, an archetypical bride jilted at the alter. Mrs Joe sees it as a grand opportunity for Pip to earn his fortune. Upon his arrival to Satis House, the young and beautiful Estella greets Pip. Who is in the care of Miss Havisham.  Failing to recover from her grief of being jilted at the altar, Miss Havisham lives a life of seclusion, while the time and atmosphere in the house are made to stand still. To seek her revenge upon men, Miss Havisham raises Estella to ruthlessly break their hearts. Pip is yet to experience this, mystified by Estellas harsh arrogance towards him, and her dismissive manner. Repeatedly addressing him as Boy, as if enforcing his insignificance. As an adult he reflects on his sensitive emotions as a child and how he struggled to maintain his composure on occasions, here this may be reflected from Dickens own experience s. : During his visits to Satis House Dickens shows how Pips distaste grew for Estella, yet accompanied by his lust and awe for her. He is constantly goaded by Miss Havisham to admire her, developing a strong passion for her and becomes engulfed by her spell, drawn in by her beauty and arrogance, finding it mystifying and intriguing.  As time passes by pip becomes angered by Estellas indifference towards him, feelings of distress and irritation begin to burden Pip.  Her contempt for me was so strong, it became infectious and I caught it. Here pip explains how strongly he was affected by Estellas mental cruelty. He describes it as becoming so infectious, that he caught it, feeling that there was no escape from spell of contempt. However, he may have wanted to be infected, even though he loathed her contempt, he grasped onto it, unable to release his passion for her.  He becomes discontented with his social status, due to Estella referring to him as poor and common Dickens writes strongly about the effects of social classes, having been an issue of importance during his own life. It causes Pip to feel inadequate and bitter lacking the qualities he does not possess to gain Estellas acceptance, let alone her affection. She later becomes the main source of his need to for fill his goals and ambitions. However, during Pips visits to Miss Havishams there are brief moments where Estella shows Pip a mild affection, occasionally kissing him on the cheek and generally lowering her harsh persona. This of course inspires Pips longing for her, although he is perfectly aware that there is a remaining distance between them where social status is concerned. When Miss Havisham decides that it is time to let Pip go, she gives him a sum of money for his apprentice ship to her and tells him to return to his original apprentice ship as a black smith.  Pip, and Mr and Mrs Joe are slightly mystified by Miss Havisham, as they had been confident that she was to be pips benefactor and make his fortune, yet this did not appear to be the case. After leaving Miss Havishams, returning to the forge with Mr and Mrs Joe, Pip becomes restless, remaining discontented with his life and apprentice ship to Joe. Wanting to seek a better fortune aspiring to greater expectations  After Pip had remained at the forge for sometime, they received a visit from a respectable lawyer from London, named Mr Jaggers. Pip immediately recalled seeing him attending Miss Havishams during his visits to Satis House, and concluded that he had been sent on her behalf.  Mr Jaggers proceeded to inform Pip that he was to come into a handsome property, and must be removed from his current sphere of life, and brought up as a gentleman with great expectations   My dream was out; my wild fantasy was surpassed by sober reality; Miss Havisham was going to make my fortune on a grand scale.

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Employee Or Independent Contractor

2. If we assume Simone is an employee, is PR PRO in breach of a common law duty in relation to not giving Simone any days off work or holidays? 3. If we assume Simone is an employee, does she have an entitlement to notice, at common law or pursuant to legislation, if PR PRO decides to replace her? Common law introduced number of tests to identify the status of individual in organization: First test applicable by the Court’s are â€Å"Control Test†. This test is determined by Court in case law Zuljs v Wirth Bros Pty Ltd[1]. In this case, Court held whether employer has right to exercise control over employee is considered as important element as compared to actual control exercised by employer. This element is the strong evidence of employer and employee relationship. It must be noted that control test and integration test are not the strong evidence on which Court takes their decision. In other words they are not considered stand alone test by Courts. There is one more test that is multiple indicia test, and this test was established in Steven’s v Brodribb Sawmilling Co Pty Ltd[2]. In this case, the main issue is whether Gray and Steven’s are employees or independent contractors. Court applied multiple indicia test for determining the employment status of Gray and Steven’s and stated that Steven’s was an independent contractor. However, Court also stated further developments regarding this test are completely based on the interpretation of future judges[3]. Later this test is confirmed in case Hollis v Vabu Pty Limited[4]. In this case Court held that bicycle couriers are not working as independent contractor but they are considered as employee of Vabu Pty Ltd. Therefore, Vabu Pty Ltd is vicariously liable for the act of its employee who never identified on personal basis by individuals because he wears uniform of Vabu[5]. High Court of Australia stated that now a day control cannot be considered as only factor to determine the status of individual in the company. Multiple indicia test includes: Employee relationship is stated if worker integrated into the business of employer such as wearing uniforms, signage on vehicles, etc. Employee relationship is stated if worker is entitled to entitlement and allowances such as Leave, superannuation, workers compensation. A worker is considered as independent contractor if he arranges the taxation matter at his own. A worker is considered as independent contractor if that person is tradesperson or professionals and conducting their own business. A worker is considered as independent contractor if he was engaged to perform some particular task, and worker is considered as employee if he was employed for some definite period. If remuneration is provided in wages then person is considered as employee, and if remuneration is in the form of lump sum, price per volume or as per results then worker is considered as independent contractor. If worker sets his own place and hours of work then he is considered as independent contractor. If worker have ability to delegate his work then he is considered as independent contractor. If employer has control over the conduct of worker then he is considered as employee of the company, and if employer has control over the reporting then worker considered as independent contractor[6][7]. In the present case, Simone working in PR PRO, and she entered into an agreement with PR PRO at the end of 2012, to operate from 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2016. This agreement stated that Simone was not an employee of the company but she is abiding by all the rules of the company. Simone wears the shirt which had logo of PR PRO and she received agreed percentage of sales she made but she also receive small amount of base payment on a monthly basis. She paid income tax directly to the taxation department. Working hours of Simone are not set and she uses her own car for meeting the clients but she gets no allowance for that. She gets training from specialized agency and PR Pro pays for it. It is necessary for Simone to keep her phone all the time so she can answer her clients, and she receives extra payment where work took weekend and public holiday hours. Simone never gets any entitlement related to personal leave or holiday leave and company has never offered her any paid holidays. In this case all multiple indicia test is applied which discover following factors: After considering all the above factors it is clear that she work as an independent contractor in PR PRO. Annual leave is also known as holiday pay in Australia which means employee must be paid while having time off from work. Annual leaves entitlement introduced by National Employment Standards (NES). Any time of award or agreement cannot provide annual leaves less than those stated by NES but they have right to give more annual leaves. Annual leaves become part of NES standards 1 January 2010 and standards of NES apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system. All employees except casual employees have right to get paid annual leaves[8]. An English case law Morley v Heritage plc [1993] IRLR 400. In this case, there is general rule which stated that every employee was entitled to annual leave for the period of four months per year. Full time and part time employees of the company have right to get 4 weeks of annual leave, and these leaves are based on their ordinary hours of work. Employer cannot breach standard of NES and in case of breach of NES standards court imposed penalty of $10,800 for an individual and $54,000 for a company[9]. Annual leaves accumulate from the day of joining of employee, even though probation period of employee is not over. Accumulation of annual leave is done when employee is on: Accumulation of annual leave is not done when employee is on: In the present case, on 1/12/2016 Simone had a stroke because of which she lost her capability to work in the foreseeable future, and doctor stated that reason of stroke was high stress level, and her obesity. The reason behind this is that she had no holidays or weekends free from work for a long time. Simone has right to get 4 week annual leave as an employee of the company and company breach their duty under common law by not providing annual leave to Simone. Therefore, PR PRO breach their and court can impose penalty of $54,000 for breach of NES standards. In this case, PR PRO breaches their duty under common law by breaching the standards of NES for annual leave. Employee has right to receive notice from employer, and employer cannot terminate the employment unless he gives written notice to the employee. It is necessary that employer must issue notice to the employee personally, send the notice at last updated address, and sending notice to employee by pre paid post[11].   Minimum time period for serving notice to the employee: An employer’s cannot terminate their employees unless they give minimum period of notice or make complete payment of employees they have worked. Total employment period of employee Employment period of employee is not more than 1 year Employment period of employee is more than 1 year but less than 3 years Employment period of employee is more than 3 year but less than 5 years Employment period of employee is more than 5 year Every employee of the company is entitled to receive minimum period of notice or payment under FW act, and the period of notice is depend on the length of service of employee. It is the duty of employer to ensure that whether employee is entitled for higher period of notice[13]. This can be understand with the case law that is Lavarack v Woods of Colchester [1967] 1 QB 278 ('Lavarack'). In this case, Court sets out the general principle that in case of termination, employee has right to claim for what he is legally entitled. In the present case, PR PRO decided to replace Simone because of her disability to work in near future. In this case, Simone is working in the company from last 4 years and as per the requirement of FW Act PR PRO is under obligation to serve minimum notice period to Simone. As per the requirement to serve minimum notice period the length of service of employee is considered. Simone is working from last four years in the company and she is entitled to receive notice for the minimum period of three weeks. PR PRO is under obligation serve 3 weeks’ notice period to Simone under FW Act. Zuljs v Wirth Bros Pty Ltd (1955) 83 CLR 561. Stevens v Brodribb Sawmilling Company Pty Ltd (1986) 160 CLR 16. Hollis v Vabu Pty Ltd [2001] HCA 44 207 CLR 21; 75 ALJR 1356; 181 ALR 263 High Court of Australia, â€Å"Hollis v Vabu Pty Ltd [2001] HCA 44†Ã‚   9 August 2001, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://eresources.hcourt.gov.au/downloadPdf/2001/HCA/44. ATO, â€Å"Employee/contractor decision tool†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.ato.gov.au/calculators-and-tools/employee-or-contractor/. Law Teacher, â€Å"An Employee Or Independent Contractor†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/employment-law/an-employee-or-independent-contractor-employment-law-essay.php#ftn7. FWO, â€Å"Annual leave†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/leave/annual-leave. FWO, â€Å"Annual leave†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/how-we-will-help/templates-and-guides/fact-sheets/minimum-workplace-entitlements/annual-leave. Australian Union, â€Å"Types of leave and public holiday entitlements factsheet†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.australianunions.org.au/types_of_leave_factsheet. Pattie Walsh, â€Å"Termination of Employment in Australia: Best Practice Guide†, 20 August 2013, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.mondaq.com/australia/x/257796/employee+rights+labour+relations/Termination+of+Employment+in+Australia+Best+Practice+Guide. FWO, â€Å"Notice of termination & redundancy pay†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/how-we-will-help/templates-and-guides/fact-sheets/minimum-workplace-entitlements/notice-of-termination-and-redundancy-pay. FWO, â€Å"Dismissal - how much notice†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/ending-employment/notice-and-final-pay/dismissal-how-much-notice. Zuljs v Wirth Bros Pty Ltd (1955) 83 CLR 561. Stevens v Brodribb Sawmilling Company Pty Ltd(1986) 160 CLR 16. Brenda Marshall, â€Å"Working it out- Employee or independent contractor†, 12, no. 5 (2006). https://epublications.bond.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1102&context=nle. (Accessed on 27 th January 2017). Hollis v Vabu Pty Ltd [2001] HCA 44 207 CLR 21; 75 ALJR 1356; 181 ALR 263. High Court of Australia, â€Å"Hollis v Vabu Pty Ltd [2001] HCA 44†Ã‚   9 August 2001, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://eresources.hcourt.gov.au/downloadPdf/2001/HCA/44. ATO, â€Å"Employee/contractor decision tool†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.ato.gov.au/calculators-and-tools/employee-or-contractor/. Law Teacher, â€Å"An Employee Or Independent Contractor†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/employment-law/an-employee-or-independent-contractor-employment-law-essay.php#ftn7. FWO, â€Å"Annual leave†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/leave/annual-leave. FWO, â€Å"Annual leave†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/how-we-will-help/templates-and-guides/fact-sheets/minimum-workplace-entitlements/annual-leave. Australian Union, â€Å"Types of leave and public holiday entitlements factsheet†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.australianunions.org.au/types_of_leave_factsheet. Pattie Walsh, â€Å"Termination of Employment in Australia: Best Practice Guide†, 20 August 2013, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.mondaq.com/australia/x/257796/employee+rights+labour+relations/Termination+of+Employment+in+Australia+Best+Practice+Guide. FWO, â€Å"Notice of termination & redundancy pay†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/how-we-will-help/templates-and-guides/fact-sheets/minimum-workplace-entitlements/notice-of-termination-and-redundancy-pay. FWO, â€Å"Dismissal - how much notice†, accessed on 27 th January 2017, https://www.fairwork.gov.au/ending-employment/notice-and-final-pay/dismissal-how-much-notice. End your doubt 'should I pay someone to do my dissertation by availing dissertation writing services from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fashion photography and lens based images Essay

Fashion photography and lens based images - Essay Example The essay "Fashion photography and lens based images" analyzes the photography in fashion. Compared to other forms of photography, commercial photography is generally carried out by a photographer in order to sell the images. This stands in contrast to art based photography that is more aesthetic in character. Commercial photography in itself has diversified into a number of different applications that involve retail, wholesale and professional uses. Images are a powerful method of moving ideas from one person or situation to a wider audience. One of the more prominent features of images is their ability to carry the same idea to a wider audience. For this reason commercial photography has been used widely for advertising various kinds of themes and ideas. Perhaps one of the more distinguished forms of commercial photography in use for distributing ideas to the wider audience is fashion photography. Companies dealing with fashion products require for their products to be shown to the wider audience. Photography represents one of the easiest methods to move such ideas across the manufacturing table to the audience that actually wants to buy the product. However, unlike other forms of advertisements mired in photography, fashion photography tends to differ in more than one respect. One of the more prominent differentiation between fashion photography and other forms of advertising photography is the use of human models in order to provoke want. The primary focus of fashion photography.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Impact of British Airways' Corporate Brand Name Essay

The Impact of British Airways' Corporate Brand Name - Essay Example From assets to job opportunities to complete consumer satisfaction Van Riel and Van den Ban (2001) have stated that coming up with corporate brands is a long and challenging process which entails the preservation of a company’s name and reputation along with other important factors. This process is generally accomplished through the stakeholders making use of the particular corporate brand. A company can come up with their own brand by using a sign, character, figure, image or any representation of a concept that will recognize and distinguish their products and service when compared with other companies. To simply put it, the brand will put the company forward and allow the public to recognize them. Findings have confirmed that a potential customer will pay a large amount of money for a good, satisfactory brand while staying loyal to such brand (Shih 2009). Because of these actions, it is necessary most especially for companies and organizations to fully understand the role of brands as well as the consumers’ thoughts, feelings and behaviors toward it. Brand names along with the manners on how consumers act toward it have received a small deal of attention in previous studies. Identifying and implementing brand names play a very important role in any kind of business as companies, despite any challenges from competitors, can gain advantages in just by using the appropriate branding strategy. To avoid committing marketing and branding mistakes, a company along with its customers must be able to understand how important a brand name is and how it can positively or negatively affect consumer behavior. In previous studies, researchers only highlighted the significance of a company brand; however, over the recent years, the concept of a â€Å"corporate brand† was introduced to the business sector and studying such type of brands has revealed very important aspects in branding.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Aggression in Humans Essay Example for Free

Aggression in Humans Essay There are many different reason why a person may act aggressively towards other human being. The person may act this way because of his background or the way he/she was brought up in life. A person does not; act this way based on natural feeling alone. Is more like a melded, learned behavior. A human being must have both environmental and instinctual factors in order to show aggression. Some of a persons natural instincts are to desire food, reject some things, escape from danger, fight in a dangerous situations or when challenged. As well also sex desire, care for the young, control, and to accept substandard status. This combination of both instincts and environment determines a persons behavior and actions throughout life. This is based on the theory that everything human beings do would have to be learned from other human beings. Aggression must be learned as we grow. It is not just simply there from the moment of birth. A person behavior is something that is taught to him rather than being an unmanageable instinct. For example, a newborn baby is breathing because it is an uncontrolled reaction. But on the other hand, a father may tell his young son to beat up the school buly who is picking on him. As a result, the boy is dealing with the situation by using violence. In order for a human being to display aggression, violence and anger, it must be driven by an instinct interacting with that persons surroundings. The word instinct is defined as an inherited or innate psycho-physical disposition which determines its possessor to perceive, and to pay attention to, objects of a certain class, to experience an emotional excitement of a particular quality upon perciving such an object, and to act in regard to its particular manner, or, at least, to experience an impulse to such action. This definition, explains that people have different reactions for different situations they are put in. Therefore, an individual is expected to act a certain way when he is encouraged to do so from his surrounding environment. For example, an Eskimo does not have an inborn instinct that allows him to survive in his climate. He has to work with his people in order to survive when he is at a very young age. Furthermore, when people are brought up in a society, they learn a certain way of life and traditions. These customs are usually taught to them because its part of their societys way of life, even if some of the customs may be brutal and horrible to others. For example, cannibalism is distasteful to us, but in some prehistoric cultures, to eat an enemy is to gain his or her strength. This aggressive behavior was taught to the people of this culture and is the cause for its existence. People need to have contact with aggressiveness in society in order to act aggressive. For example, there was a tribe in New Guinea, who were violent warriors that were always fighting and killing each other. The children of these people learned this aggressive act from their parents and then acted in the same way. A parents method of child rearing has a huge impact on the childs aggression. For example my own brother found a way, which will convince my parents to buy him what he wants. All he has to do is cry and if he doesnt get what he wants he will start smashing, kicking and throwing thinks that he find around him. Moreover, when a group of people are isolated, their behavior does not change unless they interact with other people. There was tribe made up of a group of people who were completely isolated fro the rest of the world. They did not show any signs of aggression due to the fact that they had no words for weapon, aggression, anger or war. All they did was gathering food. So the tribe and had no use for weapons. The tribe only used knives and other things that might be thought as weapons or tools to gather food. They even rejected the spear, the bow and arrow because they could not use them to gather food. There could not been anything in their genetic makeup that made them act in an aggressive or peaceful manner. This was just their way of life that was taught from generation to generation, to gather food which was needed to survive. The source of human aggression lies in factors such as society and culture. Aggression is a learned emotion that is built up on different factors in a persons surrounding environment. It the combination of environment, society and culture that creates aggressive behavior. It is the persons instincts that are the basis for the three. While one tribe is a peaceful group of people, and the other a group of aggressive warriors. Both of the tribes had  the ability for aggression and peaceful life but it was their environment, society and culture that have driven them to choose totally opposite paths.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

We Must Never Surrender the Right of Open Discussion :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

We Must Never Surrender the Right of Open Discussion    As a nation, we need thoughtful discussion concerning the September 11 attacks.   In a time when open discussion is more necessary than ever, it is discouraging to see simple questions about our nations interests, posed in these forums, branded as anti-American, inappropriate, or as enemies within. Now more than ever, careful and respectful debate can grant us the informational dexterity needed to maintain an open and neutral perspective as events unfold. I am an American. This country's social infrastructure, built with tremendous difficulty on the backs of many who sacrificed their lives for their country as well as those who sometimes unwittingly found themselves in the path of the nation's maturation, is unique and valuable. It grants its citizens the opportunity for growth, unparalleled freedoms, and the means to remedy injustice. We are truly a great nation. Times of duress call to our minds the patriotic respect and admiration we have for our country, and bring us to realize just how fortunate we are to live in such a nation.    As an American, I refuse to surrender the ability and willingness to think openly, critically, and analytically about issues in our society and in our world. I will not allow the privileges of freedom and opportunity crafted so carefully in the course of the last two hundred-plus years to blind me to mistakes we've made and mistakes we continue to make. I will not surrender to the demands for unity and compliance in the pursuit of vengeance. We owe it both to ourselves and to those who have come before us to maintain a reasoned, simple honesty in assessing the state of the world. Those who bring nothing more to the public forum than reactionary and manipulative accusations of anti-Americanism do disservice to themselves, their country, and to reasonable thought.    It is hard, though, to keep thoughts clear-headed and words well-conceived during a storm as confusing as we face now. A sharp exchange of writings between Noam Chomsky and Christopher Hitchens, a columnist for The Nation, was a visible sign of the heightened tensions that try tempers and better judgment. David Talbot and Andrew Sullivan, both respected political writers, engaged in a similar exchange. There is reason for anxiety. The initial highly-visible strikes against our country have yielded to an anonymous, growing swarm of threats and attacks, currently in the form of anthrax-laced mailings, that lack the visibility and impact of traditional acts of war but nonetheless foster a sense of fear and vulnerability.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five and Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 Essay

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five and Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 use similar motifs to convey their common anti-war message. Although it is truly difficult for any author to communicate the true nature of war in a work of literature, both novels are triumphant in their attempts to convey the devastating experience. The authors’ analogous writing styles, themes, and motifs run parallel to one another. Both Slaughterhouse-Five and Catch-22 incorporate irony, exemplify the idiocy and folly of military institutions, and convey a similar theme throughout their story lines. One common theme is seen in the characters of Hungry Joe in Catch-22 and Edgar Derby in Slaughterhouse-Five. Both of these characters relate to the casualties that were not caused by direct battle wounds. These motifs relay the authors’ anti-war message. â€Å"The picture of war painted by Heller and Vonnegut is highlighted by their utilization of irony. Their careful strokes of irony on the canvas of their novels help to prove one of their numerous shared themes.† (Meredith 218) Along with Hungry Joe and Edgar Derby exemplifying the casualties not caused by battle, they also represent the tragedies suffered shortly before the conclusion of the war. After surviving all of the hardships of war, these two men perish only when the end of the war could be seen in the horizon. The irony in the both men’s deaths is very clear. Hungry Joe’s death, after over 70 combat missions as a pilot, came quietly â€Å"in his sleep while having a dream.† (Heller 445) As Slaughterhouse-Five’s counterpart to Hungry Joe, â€Å"the arbitrary death of Edgar Derby† is similarly ironic. (Snodgrass 435) After surviving some devastating ordeals during the war, along with prison camp, â€Å"he was arrested for plundering† after stealing a teapot. â€Å"He was tried and shot† only months before the end of the war.† (Vonnegut 214) Both men experienced death, but ironically not as a result of combat only after surviving so many horrific events of war. Many comparisons can be made between the institutions and organizations of war in both novels. Both the English men in the Nazi POW camps in Slaughterhouse-Five and the men of M & M Enterprises in Catch-22 have similar ironic experiences with the group that exists in their own  societies. In Catch-22, Snowden is in the process of dying and Yossarian frantically attempts to help him. He opens the first-aid kit to realize â€Å"The twelve syrettes of morphine had been stolen from their case and replaced by a clearly lettered note that said: What’s good for M & M Enterprises is good for the country. Milo Minderbinder.† (Heller 446) This event is ironic because M & M’s repossession of morphine is directly causing Snowden to suffer a greater deal than he should. Although Billy Pilgrim seemed to have an experience completely opposite of Snowden’s, it was actually extraordinarily similar. Billy arrives at a very comfortable prison camp in which other Englishmen reside. When he first arrived â€Å"he remembered that his shoes were ruined, that he needed boots.† (Vonnegut 95) He is able to obtain a pair of silver boots from the play production of Cinderella which the prison men put on. Billy and his fellow POW’s were also very well off since â€Å"A clerical error early in the war, when food was still getting through to prisoners, had caused the Red Cross to ship them five hundred parcels every month instead of fifty.† (Vonnegut 94) Thanks to the military institution’s blunder, the men in the camp â€Å"Are among the wealthiest people in Europe, in terms of food.† (Vonnegut 94) Billy gains from the mistakes in which the military made, just as Snowden was a direct victim of them. Unlike the Englishmen ben efiting from a mishap, Snowden suffered from a conscious decision that â€Å"is food for the country.† (Heller 446) Sex is an ever-present motif incorporated in both novels. Both Yossarian and Billy are overly preoccupied with the act of sex and the female body. It’s portrayed by the authors as the only relief from the violence and emotional impacts of war, instead of an escape from reality which is usually portrayed. To further demonstrate this theory, we can analyze Billy’s actions in the arena of his created world, the zoo on Tralfamadore. The target of his fantasy is â€Å"Montana Wildhack, a motion picture star† (Vonnegut 132), which is common for humans of all time-eras past to present. The planet of Tralfamadore is a representation of Billy’s ideal world, and surely enough a woman, renown for her fame in the movie world and her beauty, was one of his first additions. From this action, Vonnegut attempts  to communicate the message of sex being a paramount concern in the lives of all soldiers. Similar to Billy Pilgrim, Yossarian has an obsession with sex, women, and their bodies. When analyzed, he can be considered that of a sexual maniac. His sexual desires were often seen throughout cadet school as he slept with his commanding officer’s wife, Mrs. Sheisskopf. While serving in the military, he was introduced to many divine women. Later in the novel he exclaimed that at one point â€Å"he was madly in love with all of them.† (Heller 166) Yossarian had mistaken his feelings of lust for feelings of love as a result of traumatic experiences during the war. An alternative subconscious motive for sex can also be seen in Yossarian and Bill. Throughout the war, both men have witnessed an abundance of violence and death around them. Based on their experiences, we can assume that they desire sex for the purpose of reproduction. While Yossarian was engaged in an affair with Mrs. Scheisskopf, every month she would tell him, â€Å"Darling, we’re having a baby again.† (Heller 80) Just as Vonnegut believed and communicated in Slaughterhouse-Five, A soldier’s instinct and desire is to reproduce and even before he has taken lives, he wishes to pay in advance for the lives he knows he may be responsible for taking. (Meredith 102) In the novels Slaughterhouse-Five and Catch-22, each author uses the events in their stories to depict the tragedies of war. Each individual event describes a particular hardship experienced by each of the soldiers throughout their wartime experiences. Although the exact events within the novels were different, many similarities were noticeable; the casualties of the environment of war, the discouraging deaths of those men just as the war was commencing, the irony of the actions of the military institutions and the harm they cause, and the desire of sex in the soldiers. The common motifs and themes in the novels explore the terrible aspects of war and reflect on a true anti-war message intended by the authors. The message professes that â€Å"no matter what happens, we  should retain our humanity.† (Vit 1) WORK CITED PAGE: Heller, Joseph. Catch-22. New York, New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc: 1989. Meredith, James H. Understanding the Literature of WWII. Greenwood, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1999. Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. Encyclopedia of Satirical Literature. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO Incorporated, 1996: 433-435. Vit, Marek. â€Å"Kurt Vonnegut’s Corner†. 2002. 2 May 2004. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. New York, New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc: 1968.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The arguments put forth by Camille Pecastaing

The arguments put forth by Camille Pecastaing, in her article named â€Å"A Brief History of the Next War,† are mainly based on the international system. While analyzing the book ‘Iran, The Choice of Arms?’ an international security analysis by Franà §ois Heisbourg, she exposes the major chinks in the author’s arguments. She draws a clear distinction between fact and speculation.Franà §ois Heisbourg, in his theory which is in fact speculation interlaced with facts, argues that a nuclear Iran will be the most serious threat to the world peace. Camille Pecastaing has rightly called his bluff when she points out that such a scenario simply does not exist.Instead she emphasizes on the unforeseen economical fallout on the world economy in the wake of any unilateral strike by the US. Iran’s capability to block the straits of Hormuz is real and if the tactics employed by Iran in the Afghanistan and Iraq are any indication, the strike will only damage Amer ica’s own economy and the international standing than that of Iran. So she stresses that it is in America’s interest not to think of such a misadventure.The arguments of Camille Pecastaing in this article reflect a realist thought process. It examines the international security scenario analysis and possible remedial actions proposed by another author who takes inferences from the actions and imaginary intentions of certain countries.Ambition of Iran to acquire nuclear deterrent is seen by the West as a threat to world peace, fearing regional proliferation and irresponsible posturing. But she sees no imminent danger to the world peace by the actions of Iran and on the contrary, as she understands it, will lead only to a more mature behavior on the part of Iran and Israel as in the case of India and Pakistan.The question of proliferation does not arise as the neighboring countries are too dependent on US military know how and support that they cannot think of acquiring a nuclear weapon.I am in complete agreement with the arguments of Camille Pecastaing. In order to prove Heisbourg’s arguments wrong in saying that the Iranian bomb is ‘apocalyptic’, and it needs to be stopped at any cost, she depicts the futility of strike without a ground invasion, the prospect of failure similar to the one America now faces in Iraq and Afghanistan, the possible negative fallout on America’s already troubled economy and the weakening clout of the dollar. Iran is in a position to cause more damage to the world economy in general and the US economy in specific than the damage the US action can cause to the Iranian economy.The argument of Heisbourg that Iran will slip into anarchy and the nuclear arsenal will fall into the hands of Hezbollahis is only a wishful thinking. As she rightly points out, in all probability, an Iranian nuclear weapon will make both Iran and the nuclear Israel more responsible and the chances of further confrontation s between these two countries and the related chaos that may ensue, will only decline.It is evident from the above paragraph that I am in complete agreement with Camille Pecastaing and it is needless to say that my opinions belong to the realist school of thoughts. To further my arguments in that favor, I can point out some of the past events that led to the invasion of Iraq.American intelligence and spy agencies had manufactured false evidences to strengthen their claim that Iraq is in the process of building weapons of mass destruction which will threaten the world peace and this was believed by the other countries without any doubt who in turn lend their support for an American invasion.Later, when it was found out that it was only a fear psychosis created by the US, it was too late to rectify the damage and the difficulties it caused in Iraq. Moreover, the monumental expenditure for the Iraq war has only put the US economy in undue trouble.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Against death penalty essays

Against death penalty essays For a long time capital punishment has been thought to be flawed and unfair. It has been proven by certain civil rights groups such as the ACLU that the circumstances surrounding the murder or of the accused get more people convicted than the actual evidence against them. For example if you are poor than chances are you will get an inexperienced public attorney and are more likely to be convicted especially, if you are a minority and the victim was not, or was a police officer/government worker. The death penalty is not given because of a sense of justice but rather a sense of revenge(loaded words), the believe in an eye for en eye.(allusion). The more gruesome a murder, the more likely a judge or jury is going to give you the death penalty even if there is lack of evidence because some one has to pay and the victims family must be appeased. There have been 133 people as of Feb. 18, 2004 who have been rleased from death row, and Florida leads the U.S. with 23 exonerations. That leave s us with the question, how many innocent people were put to death before justice could really be done. Another reason why there should be an end to capital punishment is the cost. An alternative to the death penalty is life without the possibility of parole. But this idea is almost always shot down on the assumption that life imprisonment is more expensive than execution (refudiation). If you take into account all the relevant costs, however, this is just simply not true. The death penalty is not now, nor has it ever been, a more economical alternative to life imprisonment2A 1982 Study showed that were the death penalty to be reintroduced in New York, the cost of the trial lone would be more than double the cost of a life term in prison. (concrete) One of the most important reasons why you should no support the death penalty is the fact that it doesnt prevent crime. Among the experts there is an overwhelming consensus that the...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Air pollution control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Air pollution control - Essay Example Smog is combination of smoke and fog. Smog can be seen with a human eye. It is always brownish in colour and may be seen in some areas in the shape of haze. Automobile industry has seen a lot of advancement in last few decades. Automobile and industrial fumes are the two biggest reasons for air pollution. Finally, with the integration of car emissions and industrial fumes, a new substance is created in the air, known as â€Å"Photochemical Smog†. Photochemical smog is made with the reaction between sunlight and oxides of nitrogen Air pollution has become a global problem as smoke and vehicle emissions travel very fast from one place to another. Vehicle emissions and industrial fumes are the main contributing factors towards the warming of the planet. Causes of air pollution and solutions to curtail the problem shall be discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. Vehicles and air pollution Innovations that are related to the automobile industry brought about many changes in human l ife and in the environment. Motor vehicle emissions are the major causes of polluting the air. Number vehicles in industrialized cities are increasing at a rapid speed, which is alarming for the future of life on the planet. Patrol vehicles mostly discharge two types of pollution. First is in the shape of exhaust emissions that includes carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. ... Smoke coming out from the exhaust pipe of vehicle spreads incompletely burnt chemicals in the air. This causes danger to human life and rising quantity of carbon monoxide damages the plants and other vegetation. The pollution which arises from burning of gasoline in the vehicles acts as slow poison. It poisons our food and the chains of food which are related to us (Kaufman, 2004, 62,63). A research held by United States Governmental organization show that there is a much massive amount of mercury and other harmful substances present in the flesh of fish. The major cause of presence of harmful substances is the industrial pollution, which goes to air and then comes back to the streams, rivers and seas. Major causes of smoke exhaustion from a vehicle are old spark plugs, dirty air cleaner, damaged fuel filters, old piston and rings that are not working properly. Vehicles and industries produce almost 90% of world’s pollution. Therefore, vehicle pollution causes lungs cancer, re spiratory problems, urban smog and acid rain. Lead is another cause of pollution when vehicles use leaded gasoline. Lead is the major cause of hypertension and cancer. These diseases are more common in urban areas as large emission from vehicles takes place in urban areas. Vehicle emissions are the main contributors of overall warming of the planet. This global warming may cause a lot of damage to food chain. Storms, floods, rising of sea levels and fluctuating weather conditions are the outcome of global warming (Davis, 2002, 74, 75). Through the last few years, there is a rise in the temperature of the earth by one degree on the Celsius scale. The rise in the temperature caused many problems to the habitat of colder areas. The glaciers all around the world are melting day by day at a

Saturday, November 2, 2019

TOYOTA ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

TOYOTA - Assignment Example Such segmentation will thus more closely match particular needs of this specific group of sexual orientation. The segmentation will thus enable even those who are still hesitant to declare the homosexual orientation and hence a need for market strategy based on this group as their needs cannot be satisfied through regular markets. The needs of this particular group will be met as marketers get to understand the exact needs of sexually oriented individuals and target marketing strategy at a specific group (Hondagneu-Sotelo 23). In addition, it would be much easier and successful to establish and promote specific and customized products and services to sexually oriented group. There may be no customized products as only particular group is served and not individuals. In addition, some may argue that sexual orientation marketing will promote immorality and thus it might be faced with difficulties from those opposing sexual orientation