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With much function, Qatar Airways turned into the first of the enormous Sulfated c aeries to enter a worldwide carrier partnership by joinin...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Pascal Definition (Pa Unit)

A Pascal is the SI unit of pressure. A Pascal is equal to a force of one newton per square meter. 101325 pascals 1 atmosphere. 105 pascals 1 bar. The abbreviation for the Pascal unit is Pa.

Monday, December 23, 2019

War I And World War II - 1264 Words

During any war, there will alwaAys be alliances made which stick even after the war has been dissolved. Postwar foreign policy after wars such as World War I and World War II was complicated and both had their similarities and differences from each other. World War I (WWI) strengthened our international relations with many countries, It also deteriorated some relations as well and set the stage for America becoming a great power. World War II (WWII) had some of the same effects, solidating our bond with the Allies and breaking others, but also it had many differences. Our post-war foreign policy after WWI consisted of alliances, power, money, and enemies. After the war, our relations with England and France mainly were strengthened.†¦show more content†¦Our policy with Germany greatly shifted because after the war germany was seen as unable to govern their country, therefore the USSR took control of East Germany and France, England, and America took control of West Germany. The Economy was greatly affected as well. America’s economy increased dramatically, due to the amount of factory jobs and amounts of production for the war. But Japan’s economy plummeted due to the loss of their land in china and many of the islands in the Pacific Ocean and the effects of getting two cities destroyed due to the new found nuclear bombs. All these reactions influenced our foreign policy and caused us to be where we are now. Both wars caused great shifts in this world and molded it to be where it is now. WWI and WWII both had many of the same post-war effects and caused great changes. They shared the display of America’s power, brought us and England and France closer together, Boosted and Destroyed economies and much more. They both had differences too such as, WWI destroying Germany’s economy instead of splitting it up into two different countries. And WWII having the effect of new nuclear power, and the effects on the Pacific as well as Europe. Many differences and similarities were shown in these two major wars and brought us here. Both WWI and WWII were similar and different in their postwar foreign policy effects.Show MoreRelatedThe War I And World War II1660 Words   |  7 Pagesin thehistory of the world were World War I and World War II. World War I occurred from 1914 to 1918. World War I was caused by militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism and assassination (MANIA). The first four causations were more of a build-up to it. Then, once the Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, the buildup was sparked. This can be compared to pouring gasoline on the ground and then lighting it on fire. World War II occurred from 1939 to 1945.World War II was caused by the discontentRead MoreThe War I And World War II944 Words   |  4 PagesFrom piles of bodies in no man’s land to Jewish death camps, the level of violence found within World War I and World War II was extreme even for wartime standards. Th ese experiences shaped generations to come through the memories passed on by those who lived through such atrocities. Both Ernst Junger and Art Spiegelman carry on these memories through the book Storm of Steel and graphic novel Maus. Their pieces both give glimpses into the lives of the past and the violence in which those individualsRead MoreThe War I And World War II911 Words   |  4 Pages There are many countries in the world that have a great history. Their antiquity benefited them in one way or another. One of these nations is France, which is known to have glorious events in the past. These events have made France the way it is now. For example, World War I, and World War II. However, these events were not the only thing that had a major role in France’s history some people are involved as well, such as Napoleon Bonaparte I and Louis Napoleon III. Those two men controlled FranceRead MoreWar I And World War II1517 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout history the United S tates has been involved in many different wars. Their involvement has brought forth many significant events and changes that have affected the American way of life. I will briefly discuss the events and the United States involvement in World War I and World War II. I will give a brief overview of both wars and explain exactly how and why the United States joined in each. The term First World War was first used in 1914 by Ernst Haeckel, who stated that, there is noRead MoreWar I And World War II919 Words   |  4 Pageshistorians debate rather World War I and World War II were two different parts to the same war or if they are separate and distinct wars. Even though World War I and World War II were very different wars, and there were many years in between the two, the outcomes of World War I caused for World War II to happen because of unresolved issues. World War II is a continuation of World War I. World War I lasted four years and was the first total war in history. Before World War I Europe was doing well theyRead MoreThe War I And World War II1930 Words   |  8 PagesSUMMARY OF WARS Humanity was forever changed after the wars of the 20th century. World War I and World War II are known for the millions of military and civilian lives they took away. Horrific words such as concentration camps, slave labor and genocide are linked to the wars. They are also credited to causing nations to rapidly come up and develop brilliant new inventions, warfare tactics and revolutionary ideas that are still playing intricate roles in modern day societies. Both of these wars were accreditedRead MoreWar I And World War II771 Words   |  4 Pagessought to stay out of both World War I and World War II only to be pulled in by intense happenings that inflicted chaos on the nations people. World War II would be a time in American history that would bring many fresh war tactics and developments, that helped to pull a depraved nation from the depths of a depression as well as pledge the freedom and prosperity of its opposing nations. Dangerous discoveries will be made in the world would be left to be governed by two world powers. Hoping to remainRead MoreThe War I And World War II Essay1639 Words   |  7 PagesThe â€Å"Thirty Years War† World War I and World War II are the largest military conflicts in history. In 1919, Europe attempted to reconstruct the damage left by WWI. After WWI, with the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was left destroyed and destabilized, which eventually laid out the foundation for WWII. The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles led to the aggression of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was supposed to bring about peace, but Marshall Foch, generalissimo of the Allied Armies in FranceRead MoreWorld War I And The War II1518 Words   |  7 PagesWorld War II was a war that ended in much tragedy. There were over 60 million casualties. Throughout World War II there was how it started, the Nazi Regime, and some of the major battles. Much of the war was about the Germans bringing together a group of people called the Nazis. They were under the rule of Adolf Hitler. There were two groups fighting against each other: the Axis powers and the Allied powers. The Axis powers consisted of Japan, Italy, and Germany. The Allied powers were GreatRead MoreThe War I And World War II1191 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction During World War I and World War II life back home changed excessively. When the soldiers went to fight in World War 1 and World War 2, women and children had to replace men in the workforce. There was an increase in those affected by the trauma of the wars, and the birth-rates dropped during this time. Family Families were affected by the trauma and exposure of the war, causing mental illnesses such as depression. Young children had been exposed to the trauma of war. A great deal of pressure

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Night Creature Crescent Moon Chapter 35 Free Essays

â€Å"Oh, my God. Oh, my God.† I couldn’t stop muttering, couldn’t stop staring. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 35 or any similar topic only for you Order Now How could this be? I’d touched Adam with silver. He hadn’t minded. The thing in the cage appeared mad, throwing his body against the metal, trying to chew a way out. Blood marred the white spittle dripping from his snout. Maybe the wolf was rabid after all. â€Å"That’s not a wolf,† I whispered. Absently I shoved the key into my pocket, and my fingertips brushed the gris-gris. The animal howled as if in pain and began to change. The transformation was something from a horror film; at first my mind refused to accept what my eyes couldn’t help but see. The sleek, dark fur receded, becoming shorter and shorter as if it were being sucked through the skin. Paws became feet at the ends of legs and hands at the ends of arms. The claws evaporated the same way the fur had. The neck twisted; the spine lengthened; the animal moaned. Going from quadrapedal to bipedal couldn’t feel good. His snout shortened, dividing into nose and mouth as the canine teeth shrank. The tail disappeared with a thick, wet thunk. The eyes remained the same. Inside the cage stood a naked Adam Ruelle. He didn’t appear upset to be revealed a monster. Didn’t seem to care he was in his altogether for the world to see. In fact, he seemed to like it, or maybe, if the size of his erection was any indication, he liked me. What he didn’t like was the cage. He slammed both hands against the bars and growled, â€Å"Let me out† I shook my head. I couldn’t speak. â€Å"Goddammit, bitch, set me free!† I blinked. That didn’t sound like Adam. Of course, what did I know? I’d believed him when he said he wasn’t the loup-garou. He tilted his head to stare at the crescent moon. â€Å"How did you do it?† â€Å"D-do what?† â€Å"Make me shift.† His voice was heated, his gaze anything but. Staring into his eyes, I was reminded of Lazarus – cold-blooded and empty of emotion. This man would kill without flinching and forget about it before the blood dried on the ground. The Adam I knew wasn’t exactly warm and fuzzy, but he wasn’t evil. Or maybe I’d just been too busy getting my brains screwed out to notice. My hand ached from clutching the gris-gris. I glanced down, opened my fingers, and understood. I’d been unable to see the truth until magic cleared my eyes. â€Å"I ran as a wolf under de crescent moon. I have no choice.† I lifted my gaze. â€Å"The curse.† â€Å"Oui. But I become a man when I choose, or when de sun comes.† He swept a hand down his body. â€Å"This was not my choice.† I folded my fingers around the gris-gris. I had asked for the truth. â€Å"Why you lock me up like this?† he whispered. â€Å"You know I’d come to you in de night. I like to hear you scream when I fuck you. You didn’t have to put me in a cage.† I winced at his language and the thought I’d been sleeping with a monster. I’d believed myself in love with him, had begun to imagine a life together. I was a fool. â€Å"Let me go, and I’ll do you right here.† He took himself in his hand and pumped, then moaned a little. The sound was more of a growl and marched along my skin like biting red ants. â€Å"I’ve been imagining such things, Diana. You, me, this way and that. Have you ever wanted to mate with a beast?† My eyes widened. I couldn’t speak. Adam seemed like a completely different man. Was he possessed by Satan under the crescent moon? Apparently. â€Å"I’ll shift again. It’ll be doggie style like you’ve never had before. And if you make me howl, I won’t even kill you tonight† I took a step back and he smiled. Were his teeth growing longer along with his – ? I yanked my gaze away, but not before he saw my unease and smirked. â€Å"With de flower I marked you as mine.† How could that be? Adam had taken the fire irises away from me, thrown them into the swamp, told me not to pick them again. Was he schizophrenic? That would make a certain kind of sense. I’d read all of Simon’s research into lycanthropy. Many psychiatrists and other physicians believed the historical reports of werewolves stemmed from the behavior of the insane. Back then mental illness was labeled possession. I stared at Adam, locked in a cage. I could understand the theory. â€Å"I watched you whenever I could. De others knew you were mine to keep or kill.† I guess I hadn’t been crazy when I’d heard more than one wolf in the swamp, seen slinky shadows hi town. History often repeated itself, and one of its great lessons is that evil loves to beget evil. ‘I wanted to be inside you that first night,† he continued, â€Å"but de crescent moon called. I had to make do with a few touches.† No wonder I’d had such an erotic dream at the hotel on Bourbon Street My skin went clammy at that memory and several others. â€Å"Set me free. I’ll get out sooner or later. But if it’s later, you’ll pay. I will do tilings you never imagined. I will keep you alive forever. You will beg to die, Diana, and I will never let you go.† I wasn’t stupid. If I let him out now, obsession or no, he’d kill me. I rubbed my thumb over the outline of the key in my pocket. If I had my way, he would never see freedom again. â€Å"I have to get back to de boy,† he whispered. â€Å"He expects me come morning.† Black dots danced in front of my eyes. Luc. How could I have forgotten? I couldn’t connect the man who’d so tenderly held his son, who had refused to allow me near him lest the boy be hurt when I left, to the one who spoke so calmly of both killing and fucking me. Definitely possessed by Satan. Without another word, I walked away. Adam’s voice followed me down the trail: â€Å"What de hell? You think you can leave me here?† â€Å"Just did,† I muttered. â€Å"I will kill you!† â€Å"Redundant.† â€Å"I will tear out your guts and strangle you with them. I will drink your blood; I will bathe in it.† â€Å"Original.† And pretty scary. Nevertheless, I had to get to Luc and take him away. I ran all the way back to the mansion, grabbed my stuff, and tossed everything into the trunk except the dart gun, Cassandra’s knife, and my cell phone. Those I placed on the front seat. I stared at Adam’s pistol for a second, then realized he wouldn’t have helped me out by loading it with silver, and left the thing in the trunk. Around my waist I secured a fanny pack with my money and travel documents. As I climbed behind the wheel, a howl rose toward the descending moon. Uneasy, I glanced at the swaying swamp. That had sounded close. I floored the accelerator, spewing grass and dirt until I fishtailed onto the highway. Then I used one hand to dial Frank. Since it was the middle of the night, I wasn’t surprised when his machine answered. â€Å"Your loup-garou is confined in a cage in the swamp about a mile east of the Ruelle Mansion,† I said. â€Å"If you have a problem finding him, call Detective Conner Sullivan and have him take you to the place where Charlie died.† I hung up and muttered, â€Å"The first time.† I didn’t consider where I was going, what I was doing, or how I would hide from Adam for the next fifty years. I focused all my attention on getting to Luc and getting him gone. The moon was nearly down; the sun would soon be up. I parked in front of Adam’s trailer. I’d walked halfway to the door before I went back and grabbed the knife. â€Å"Better safe than sorry,† I murmured, and tucked the weapon into the pack at my waist I decided to make that my mantra. A few seconds later, hand poised to knock, mind occupied constructing a stupendous lie for Sadie, the babysitter, I hesitated, then tried the doorknob. The door swung inward without a sound. After glancing over one shoulder, then the other, I scampered inside. I’d been bent on doing anything it took to get to the child and then kidnap him, but strolling into a house uninvited made me uncomfortable. I crept down the hall. In the first room, Sadie slept on the bed. I pulled the door shut and moved on to the room illuminated by a night-light. A gaggle of boy toys – a football, a bat, a deck of cards that appeared to have been the victim of fifty-two pickup – were strewn across the floor, as well as several dirty T-shirts and a dozen smelly socks. Luc lay on top of the covers, arms and legs flung apart with wild abandon. I let out the breath I’d been holding in a rush and Luc’s eyes snapped open. He must have been a real treat to get down for a nap as a baby. I put my finger to my lips, and he grinned as I hurried across the floor to kneel at his side. Before I could speak, he flung his arms around my neck and hugged me. What I wouldn’t give to be able to trust like that. After this, I probably never would. â€Å"We’re going on a trip,† I whispered. â€Å"Do you have a suitcase?† â€Å"You and me and Daddy?† he whispered back. â€Å"Just you and me.† â€Å"Is that OK with Daddy?† â€Å"No,† said a familiar voice from the door. How to cite Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 35, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Contract Law Networked Knowledge

Question: Discuss about the Contract Law for Networked Knowledge. Answer: Introduction: Consideration is the benefit which is enjoyed by both the parties or what they expect to get from the contractual relation they enter in. For a contract to be valid in the promise so made there must be a consideration present, or may be payment of some kind to the promisor for the promise so made. In our example here Jane offers to give Lotus Sports Car to Jack but here Jane hasnt asked Jack any amount in return. So, it will be an act of gift as there is no consideration from the promise to the promisor. Suppose if a friend offers a gift to another without asking any in return- the arrangement so made will not be termed as a contract because the friend did not ask something or a pay in return for the promise so made. Similarly, in our case Jane offered the car whereas she didnt ask any money in return for the car. Here there is no consideration that is moving from Jack to Jane . A contract is based on exchange of promises but here the promise is moving from only one side . Here one party will get the benefit but the other party will not be in a detriment position. So this is a case of gift and law does not see gift as a contract unless it is made under a deed. So the contract is not enforceable by law because by the law of contract there is no bilateral contract and no return consideration from the promisee to promisor. For example , if my uncle promoises to give me money to buy a house , without anything in return , then it is a promise to make a gift. And I cannot force or sue my u ncle to enforce the contract as the contract is without consideration and not enforceable by law. The law states that it is not necessary for a contract to be adequate but it has to be sufficient. It means that the consideration should be of some value, whether it is appropriate or not to complete the contract. The court will see in the matter whether there is exchange of value and will term it as adequate only when they have agreed to enter into the contract readily and without any force. The court is not affected by whether the parties have received equal value or not. We will see an example case of White v Bluett, where Bluett sued his fathers will for an outstanding debt of his father and he claimed that he was promised by his father that it would be returned to his son. In exchange his father asked his son to stop complaining. Here the Court held that the consideration was not real as it didnt have any economic value in return for the promise and regarded the son still liable for the debt. The exchange of promise must be tangible for the contract to be legally enforceable. In the case of Thomas v Thomas(1842) , here the case was to give a house on rent for Euro 1 p.a and also to keep the premise in good condition. Hence it was seen by the court that the payment and promise to keep the house in a good condition was considered to be a consideration for the contract and made it legally binding. Though the payment was not adequate but it was still sufficient for the binding contract. It is not necessary that there must be full return.Even in our case Jane offered to sell his Lotus sports car 7 for $2500 instead of $25000. This contract was considered to be legal though the amount was not adequate. In such situatuion the contract is enforceable by law because though the amount is not adequate but there is some monetary value in returm. And also, they case may be that such amount might be sufficient for the party. Here the court is not responsible to see if the parties made a good or a bad bargain or whether they received equal value or not. Hence, the contract is valid and enforceable by law. Consideration is the price which the promisor asks from the promise in exchange for the promise made by them.In every valid contract there is a change in the position of both the party one party receives a benefit and the other suffers a detriment. The consideration must move from the promisee to the promisor at the request of the promisor. In our case, Jane offers to sell her Lotus sports car 7 to Jack at the value of $25000. Also, the market value is same. Hence, it is a valid consideration.The consideration needs not be past ,but it can be present or future. In our case the consideration is present . The consideration has to be real and not illusionary. For example, A promised to pay $200 extra to a doctor if he operates his son succesfully. This consideration is illusionary and not real as the doctor is already bound to perform his duty. In our case we see that all the legalities of the consideration exist in this offer and thereby we see that it is a valid contract. The consideration has to move from the promisees end to the promisor. We will see the case of Tweddle vs Atkinson (1861) a couple got married. The father of the groom and the brides father made a contract that they will both pay a sum of money to the couple as a blessing from their end. First, the brides father died and after some day when the grooms father thought os suing he also died and therefore could not sue for the contract made.Then, the groom made a claim against the wills executor. Here the final verdict was that the groom was not entitle to enforce the contract as neither he was a party to the agreement nor he made the contract and also the consideration did not move from his end. In our case the consideration will move from Jack to Jane thereby satisfying the essentiality of the validity of contract. Consideration is a benefit that they expect to receive when two parties enter into a contract or the benefits they enjoy by entering into such contracts. The law states that the promisee must provide some consideration to the promisor for the promise made and for the agreement to be binding. Past consideration is not enforceable by law. If an act has already been performed then by the reference to that act any subsequent payment will not be enforceable as per the law. If a person has an obligation to do an act in question then the promise of doing it or actually doing it will not be regarded as consideration for an additional payment. Economic Duress -Duress is a situation when one party exerts illegitimate pressure on another party which is in a weaker position to enter into an contract. To prove that there is an economic duress a party has to prove three points which are : There was a continuous ongoing contract between both the parties. 1. The defendant threatened to terminate the pre existent contract and which would duly affect the plaintiff position. 2. Under the duress by the defendant the weaker party has agreed to enter the contract with the changed terms and conditions. There are two elements by which duress is easily identified: 1. Absence of choice 2. Illegitimate pressure. We will refer to one more case to understand economic duress the case of Occidental Worldwide Investment v Skibs(The Sibeon the Sibotre) In this case the defendant was to buy two charters from the plaintiff. The defendant falsely told the other party that they were about to become insolvent if the other party did not lower the cost of the charter. This was an untrue statement. The claimant already owed a huge amount of money from the other party and they thought that if they did not lower the cost then the company would become insolvent and they would lose their money. So they renegotiated the contract and lowered the price according to the defendant. However, later on they decided to to set aside the contract. The judgement in this case was that though the contract would be voidable due to economic duress but this was not in this case Here there was no coercion to enter into the contract and also the commercial pressure was not present in this case. We will see one more example where there was economic duress and the plaintiff had the right to rescind the contract - Universe Tankships vs International transport Workers Federation, The universe Sentinel. The ITWF blacked a ship to prevent it from leaving the port and made huge demands for the pay and also asked for huge sum of money to pay to the Seafarers International Welfare Funds. The ship owners agreed under that that the ship could leave the port and so that they did not make any further loss. And they thought that they will later on recover the amount from the welfare fund. The judgement in this case was that The money was extracted by the ITWF was under economic duress and it could be recovered by the plaintiff. It made the contract voidable at the option of the party. Here as the party had no other choice but to submit and pay the money demanded by them so there was a lack of choice by the plaintiff and therefore economic duress existed and the payment was refunded to th e plaintiff party. Whenever there exist a duress while entering into contract then the law permits the party to escape their contractual obligation by rendering the contact voidable Our case relates to the famous case North Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd v Hyundai Construction Co Ltd (1979). In our case North Ocean Shipping enter in a contract with Hyundai Construction Co. in which Hyundai Construction Co. agreed to build a tanker and the price to be paid was fixed in US Dollars. The payment was to be made in five equal installments But after the contract was entered and after the first installment was paid the US Dollar was devalued by 10% and therefore the Hyundai Construction asked for an additional 10% increase in payment in all the remaining four installments without any legality. Hyundai Constructions made it very clear that without the increase in the payment Hyundai Construction Co. would not construct the tankers any further. North Ocean Shipping already had a client available with whom they expected good profits and who were ready to take the ship but only if the ship was ready on the stipulated time. North Ocean Shipping wanted to maintain an amicable relation and therefore with the fear of losing the client they agreed to pay an additional amount. But later a fter 9 months they filed a case to recover the excess amount paid to Hyundai constructions Co. Here was a case of economic duress because the Hyundai construction was very adamant that it would only accept the excess price without any legal justification to it. That time due to economic duress as the shipping company continued to stay in the contract as a threat that it would affect its economic interest or well being. The contract here was not void but it was voidable at the option of the party which has suffered the duress. And after the contract has been finished and the party didnt act yet then it will be taken as affirmation of the party to the contract and the party will lose the right to take any serious legal action. Even in our case here as there was a lapse of 9 month and the contract was only voidable so, the North Ocean Shipping company lost the right to recover any excess damage paid by them References Moles R, Networked knowledge- contract law casenotes ,viewed 10 August2016, https://netk.net.au/Contract/NorthOcean.asp Contracts entered under duress, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Duress.php Duress, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.australiancontractlaw.com/law/avoidance-duress.html Universe tankship v international transport worker federation,the universe sentinal, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.e-lawresources.co.uk/Universe-Tankships-v-International-Transport-Workers-Federation%2C-The-Universe-Se.php Contract consideration, viewed 10 August 2016, https://e-lawresources.co.uk/Consideration.php Lady L 2014, Consideration need not be adequate but must be sufficient- contract law, viewed 10 August 2016, https://laoislass.blogspot.in/2014/02/consideration-need-not-be-adequate-but.html Stim R, Consideration: every contract needs it, viewed 10August 2016, https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/consideration-every-contract-needs-33361.html Clarke J 2015, Consideration, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.australiancontractlaw.com/law/formation-consideration.html Nolo 2006, What makes a contract valid, viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.forbes.com/2006/11/20/smallbusiness-statelaw-gifts-ent-law-cx_nl_1120contracts.html Singh S, What are the legal rules regarding consideration? ,viewed 10 August 2016, https://www.preservearticles.com/2012012621489/what-are-the-legal-rules-regarding-consideration.html